Saturday, September 30, 2006

My Song

Miles and Sammy blogged about having a song and that their mum would dance with them. This was just after Trixie wented to the Bridge.

Well I bugged mum and found out her song for me. It's a Disney song from Dumbo. Mum even has a recording of the song being sung, although it doesn't mention me by name. The record is The Disney Album by Michael Crawford. Mum likes his music lots. These lyrics are what mum sings to me.

Derby mine, don't you cry
Derby mine, dry your eyes
Rest your head close to my heart
Never to part, Derby of mine

Little one when you play
Don't you mind what they say
Let those eyes sparkle and shine
Never a tear, Derby of mine

If they knew sweet little you
They'd end up loving you too
All those same people who scold you
What they'd give just for
The right to hold you

From your head to your toes
You're not much, goodness knows
But you're so precious to me
Cute as can be, Derby of mine

So it has been a bit of a sad week with Ullrick and other things. Mum has been working lots, closing quarters. So I thinks we just need to snuggle this weekend and take lots of naps together.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Purrayers Needed - Goodbye Ullrick

Stop by Ullrick's blog. He hasn't been posting much and now we know why. He and his mum need purrayers.

9/27 - Ullrick's mum, Curiosa, posted that he had a tumor that was inoperable and untreatable. Since she had said her goodbye when she dropped him at the vet, she let him go to the Rainbow Bridge.

Curiosa is hurting, so say a purrayer for her and her other kittie Vessa.


At the art fair mum found a picture about how we cats do so much for our humans, which is furry true.You can click on the picture to biggify. Plus mum says this lady will do paintings of pets and such. She saw some pictures that she had done of angel kitties and woofies. Just so everfuury one can read the wordies, remember that this is written from our beans view point. We do so much for our beans, don't we!

What Cats Do For Us

Donate their services as alarm clocks

Instruct us in the luxurious art of stretching.
Give us someone to talk to.
Make us more aware of birds. Turn common household objects like bottlecaps into toys.

Make a window sill beautiful.
Teach us to land on our feet.

Let us indulge our desires to really spoil someone.

Share with us the all-is-well experience of purring.

Contribute to a longer life.

Warm our laps and open our hearts.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Happy Birthday Grampie

Just a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Grampie. No big parties for him like last year, so no visitors to take over my house. He is 91 which mum says is like a squillian years old for me.

We wish him many more.

Plus I forgotted yesterday to wish Uncle Flip and Aunty Pammy, Happy Birthday. Guess I was so excited with my little painted rock I forgotted.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Sunday Shopping

First some good news. Our little furiend Luna in Spain who was losted by a VET was spotted and is now back with her beans. YAY. What a blessed event.

Furry early the phone thingy rang and mum gave someone a weather report of 'not raining here'. But then some time later the doorbell rang and we had company. Some of mom's furiends, Jane and Gary, were at the door. I could smell woofie on them but they were really fun and I gotted to play with them. I had met Jane last year but never met Gary before. They have had kitties too, so know about playing with kitties

They came over so they could go to a thing called the Cheery Cherry Fall Fair. This is an outside art and craft show.
Peoples sells all sorts of stuff that they make. Mum gotted a few things. First a cute little rock that has me painted on it, or well someone who sort of looks like me. Maybe closer to Fat Eric, I don't think I am quiet that big on the bottom! Plus she gotted another picture, but I will wait to share that on another day.

Saturday, September 23, 2006


I made it back safely from Opus and Roscoe's party. They had a grand party for a combo party for their 11th birthdays, plus their first blogiversary. The food was molto meraviglioso, and not the usual food we get here. In short delish.

I am getting ready to teleport out to vist with the Calico Girls. They need a little company to give them something to do while CalicoMomToni recuperates. I hopes I gets to see a little of CalicoMom too. Her Smiley Boy wants to give her a soft nose kiss and head butt, if I am allowed. Otherwise, I will just sit and visit with her for a little bit. Plus I hopes I get to meet Precious Flower too.

Going to be a rainy day, so by going to the Big Piney Woods, I might gets to see some sun.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Party Update

According to the Purrthday list that Ms. Mia has put together the following kitties have either their purrthday or gotcha day in October. I will be hosting a weekend celebration for all of us and our blogging buddies.

The following are the blogging buddies that I know have either purrthday or gotcha days in October.

Tyler and Jagger
Fat Eric
Victor Tabbycat
Beau Beau

If you are an October kittie, please let me know so that you gets honored at the dinner.

Tentative Activities

Friday Oct 20 -
Kick off, kitties can start arriving early afternoon my time. Meet and greet with buffet supper. Tours of the house including the dungeon.

Saturday Oct 21 -
Morning-Pre-season tub hockey games, cheer practice clinic
Afternoon - games outside, jumping, running etc. Mum says we can use the neighbors trampoline too. Or just hanging out with our furiends.
Evening - a banquet to honor all of the October kitties with purrthdays or gotcha days.

Sunday Oct 22 - buffet breakfast, kitties can teleport home as needed. Otherwise, just a general time to visit.

All kitties are welcome to stay the entire weekend or just drop in for part of the event. I know that not everyone will be able to come for the entire weekend.

But if the international kitties want to work out the time. Try this
link mum uses this all the time at work to figure out what time it is around the world. Where we live in the Central Time Zone in the United States.

Mum says that we are considered to be -6 hours of GMT, whatever that is, but that some kitties might recognized this. An example is if it is 6 PM here, it would be 7 AM in Singapore where Bombay lives.

All kitties will be welcomed to attend the party. The October kitties will be the guest of honor if your Gotcha Day or Purrthday is in October. But all kitties are welcomes to attend.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


I think I will stick with the way I gets washed, one sandpaper kiss at a time. I will leave this monster to mum for her stuff.

Healing Purrs

Remember today is CalicoMom Toni's surgery. The actual surgery is about 1 PM Pacific Time. But when you can send healing kittie vibes out and remember Toni and all of her family in your purrayers.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Purrs for Calico Mom Toni

Mum, is it almost time to purr and send purrayers to Calico Mom Toni?

DM: Yes, lets go to the kitchen windows, they are the ones that face west to the Big Piney Woods. Ready when you are Derby.

All of us in the kittie blogoshpere and our beans all say a purrayer that CalicoMom Toni's eye surgery goes well.

Dear Lord,

Please hear our purrayer for CalicoMom Toni. Please be with her and her family. Give them strength and comfort them. Guide the medical team that they use all of their skills to fix her eye. We ask that her recovery be smooth and uneventful. We ask this in thy Name.


Purr, purr, purr, purr, purr,
purr, purr, purr, purr, purr, purr, purr, purr, purr, purr, purr, purr, purr, purr, purr, purr, purr, purr, purr, purr, purr, purr, purr, purr, purr, purr, purr, purr.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Purrayers for Calico Mom Toni

The Calico Girls mom Toni is having eye surgery on Tuesday Sept 19. So we have to get the good kittie healing vibes going for her.

Sunday, September 17, at 8 PM US Central Time. Stop, go outside (if you can), turn towards the Big Piney Woods. This is in the state of Idaho in the United States. Say a little purrayer that her surgery goes well and that she has a quick and complete recovery. If you wants to stop by my blog and leave a message that is OK.

To figure out the time you can go here. If you won't be available at that time please send some good purrs and healing kitties vibes whenever you can.

Then on Tuesday, whenever you can spare a moment, send up some more good healing vibes and purrayers. The surgery is supposed to be around 1 PM Pacific Time.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The Rules - Revised

I had some good input from my buddies, so I have revised the rules

Rule number one: When in doubt, wash.

Rule number two: If rule one does not apply, nap.

Rule Number Three - if rules 1 and 2 are complete, eat.

Rule Number Four - Meditate as needed.
I think this is enough rules. Don't want life to get too complicated.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Five Years Plus One Day

Wow, I readed so many of the blogs yesterday with the nice stories about so many who died five years ago. That was way before I was borned. So I asked mum about what this was like for her way back then.

Like for all the day was a total shock. I had just arrived at work and was heading to the cafeteria to get ice water for the morning and I overheard someone say a place had crashed into one of the Towers. Well, I figured a small general aviation plane, or a commerical plane that had serious flight issues. By the time I got back to my desk, the second plane had hit. You knew this wasn't an accident.

I worked with a team in accounts recievable and we decided that it did not make sense to try to call any customers. Our focus and theirs would not have been in the right place. Plus you never know if the person you might get on the phone might be personally connected to the incident. We tried to do paperwork and follow the news.

My personal worries were several friends. I know several people who worked for United, and another whose work sometimes took him to the Pentagon. So not knowing was the biggest issue.

Plus I never seemed to get the whole story at one time so it was confusing. Things were happening so fast that you didn't get the flow of events, just bits and pieces, not always in the correct order. They moved a big TV into the cafeteria. I watched a little bit while I ate some lunch. Still confusing, heart wrenching and painful to watch. Tears were easy to shed.

After work I had an appointment to get my hair cut. Somehow I managed to drive there, tears flowing at the continuing reports on the radio. Then I hurried home. First check, e-mail, my friends who worked for United. The subject line was "NOT FLYING TODAY". Whew. Then I called my friend about her husband, he was home sitting next to her on the couch. Not in Washington DC that week. Double Whew.

Then I could sit down at 7 PM and watch Brian Williams on MSNBC. I normally watched this for my national news, I never get home in time for the usual nightly news. Finally I got the story, start to where it was at that time. While the event timeline now made sense, the why didn't. Maybe it never will. My Dad probably said it best, how could someone hate so much to do something like this. I still don't understand the hate.

I didn't watch much of the TV shows over the last few days. The only one I watched was one of the going forward with the site on PBS last night.

As for making it a holiday, no work, school, shopping. If it would really happen it would be great. But our holidays in the US seem to become long weekend, with more party than reflection.

I think election day should be a holiday and the day after. No work or school. Some communities have a hard time staffing voting places or have rather aged staff in some cases. With no work you could get more voluteers to staff the polling places. Plus, with so much time, people would not have the excuse to say they didn't have time to go and vote. Not having kids in school, take the kids to the polls. Plus let them stay up and see the votes counted and the results. Show the kids how we keep our country and democracy going.

OK, jump off soapbox. Back to our regular blogger tomorrow.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Patriot Day

Honoring all who died.
Honoring all who serve, protect and defend.

May we never forget.

Saturday, September 9, 2006

Smiley Boy Contest - Vote for ME, Please.

I am asking for your votes for the smiling kittie contest at The You need to vote by e-mail address, so if you have more than one e-mail account, you can vote more than once. Plus mum thinks it looks like even if you make up an e-mail address you could vote lots of times. Mum can't find if you can vote again on another day. Here is the linky to vote. You gotta click on my picture, then click on 'Vote for this cat'.

9/10 Update: There is a kittie on page two that has most of the votes. When I start to catch up, he jumps ahead in votes. Mum has been trying to stuff the ballot box. Making up e-mail names, mum has discovered you don't even have to enter a full e-mail type thing. Numbers and letters alone do just fine.

So vote 20 times or so, hehehe.

She has a feeling that they might be trying to get e-mail addresses to send to people with cats. Sure hope you don't all get unwanted e-mails. I would rather lose than get my furiends mad at me.

The contest is only for a week from what I can see and it started on Tuesday. So like a good candidate I am asking for you to vote for best smile for me. Purrs and thank you from the "Smiley Boy" as Patches Lady likes to call me. This is the picture I entered. I have wonderful smile here, don't you think?

The weather has turned much cooler and we gotted rain. Mum says it is 'brisk' out and she likes it. But that means the windows are not open very much now, which I do not like.

Mum's foot is improving every day. She even wented someplace yesterday and gotted her toes and fingers painted. She said it didn't bother her and the footy massage she got felt really good.

Friday, September 8, 2006

Calm Kitties

"The ideal of calm exists in a sitting cat." Jules Reynard

Wednesday, September 6, 2006


Mum foots is look furry awefull, but she says it isn't as hurty as the other day. She did keep it ellyvated but ice maded it hurt worse. It made it just so cold and she didn't like that. She actually putted on her fuzzy winter slippers which she said felted really good. So I just kept up the kittie kissies. She wented to work and all, even mowed the lawn tonight, which means lots of walking.
So I have been keeping my duties up as Dr. Derby, inspecting and telling my patient it is time to sit down and feed me treats. That will make her footie feel better and my tummy feel better too. HEHEHE.
Plus I thinks that on my last post was the mostest comments I have gotten on a post, and it was about mum's foot. ::sigh:: Mum says that it just means that all my kittie buddies care about my mum. I guess that is OK, 'cuz we all do care about each other and our beans.

Monday, September 4, 2006

Are We on the Menu?

They say they have a new menu. I wonder what they really have on the menu at this place? Maybe that is why some kitties don't have tails! I will have to be careful that no one tries to take my tail away. I don't want to be on their menu.

Mum hadded a bad day today. She was taking something to the dungeon and sat it down to turn on a light. It fell over and landed on her toes and she just had sandles on her foots. So her toes are purplely and furry sore. But when the thing landed on them she did not say bad words. But she was in lots of pain for a while and it was hard walking.

I am giving her a few healing kittie kisses but mum says they aren't broked, just bruised. But that meant she didn't get much of her work done and she kept her footy up. So she has been reading a book, I have been nearby to keep track of her.

Hope the rest of the blogging community had a safe weekend. Mum did just fine until today.

Saturday, September 2, 2006


Mum was working on the laundry and I thought I would play with the basket. Well, somehow I turned the basket on top of myself. Mum very thankfully resqued me, but only after taking pictures. How embarassing.

Friday, September 1, 2006

TGIF-Thank God I'm Feline

Yay, we made it to the weekend and mum says Monday is a hollyday, so she won't have to go to work. So time to stay home and play with me.

Questions about the Cool Claws, mum would guess that the 'flavor' is vanilla. But it is made of mostly whey(mum says that comes from making cheese) and eggs. Here is what a website said about the product. I guess just ask your local stores about it.

First there was Frosty Paws for canines. But why should dogs have all the fun? Now there is Cool Claws for felines. Developed by an animal nutritionist and promoted as "better than ice cream ... for cats," the frozen Cool Claws are being distributed in North America by Cool Claws Company of Amlin, Ohio. The frozen treat is fortified with vitamins and minerals. Ingredients include dried whey, whole egg, chicken fat and carrageenin. Eight .75 fluid ounce cups come per box, which retails for $2.99.

Mum said she paid $3.39 and she isn't sure if she will buy it again. The occasional times she lets me have her left over ice cream is probably just as good. Not enough to give me issues with the stuff.

It was a good day and mum gave me some of the Sheba dinner I got from the Meezers. So I had lobster for dinner. Mum just had a salad. I think I had the better dinner.