Saturday, April 12, 2008

Heavy Heart

We had such horrible news Friday about the fire at LilyLu, Iris and MuShue's apartment. The fire started when their mum was not home. The apartment is heavily damaged and the fire people did not see any signs of life. We are hoping that maybe they got out through a window or the patio door. Lots of purrs to their mum Laura, she lost everything she owned in the fire and she is expecting two new baby beans soon.

Most up to date information is posted on the Cat Blogosphere and if you want to help you can do so through the PayPal link on LillyLu's blog.

Otherwise my Saturday is quiet. Mum has been working with the sucking monster lots and she worked to make lots of confetti with old papers that she could throw out. But now my basket that I like to nap in with the confetti is totally empty! Mum does her best to keep me out of this anyway as she is worried I might use this as a litter box.
Eric and Flynn; and Gretchen; and Team Tabby have all tagged me for the book meme. Here are the rules.

1. Pick up the nearest book.
2. Open to page 123
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.

I don't read books, just blogs so here is what mum is working on and she reads really heavy stuff, no easy romance novels for her!

The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11 by Lawrence Knight. Mum says it is good, better than she thought it would be, on how the Islamic fundamentalist movement got to where it is today.

In the mid seventh century, a group know as the Kharijites revolted even against the rule of Ali, the fourth caliph. The particular issue that triggered their rebellion was Ali's decision to compromise with a political opponent rather than to wage a fratricidal war. The Kharijites decreed that they were the only ones who followed the true tenets of faith, and that anyone who did not agree with them was an apostate, and that included even Ali, the Prophet's beloved son-in-law.

Whoa, that is deep, and I haven't a clue what they are talking about! Mum says they were discussing issues back the the early days about problems they had back then.

I think I am just going to go and curl up and purr some more for Laura and company.


  1. That book does sound interesting--but would be heavy to get into

  2. We love books like that. Mom has many about Islam, but then again it could be a result of mom having a degree (well almost, two classes away) in

  3. That stuff is way over our brains. We love Alice in Wonderland, though!

  4. Our hearts are breaking. It has been such a sad weekend.
    Purrs to you Derby!

  5. The book sounds scary. WE are very sad to hear the news of Mom Laura. We are auctioning off a pair of Zevo's earrings.

  6. We are purring real hard for everyone!!

    We think thats a book our lapdaddy would like to read. We will mention it to him.

  7. Derby that is a nice photo of you snuggled up on your cushion.

    You are right that our hearts are heavy with worry about our friends this weekend.

    Sounds like an interesting book.


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