Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Farewell Lando Bun

It is such a sad evening. Mum came home and gave us both a hug and told us Orlando bun hopped off to The Bridge today.

I remember well when you taught me to do binkies, then we invented the binkie bop and danced the night away.

You and Fiona were my special NOMSSF (Not of My Species Special Furiend) and felt like an honorary bun with you guys.

Lastly, you came up with the wonderful idea to cellybrate my purrthday every year with tock shots. So we have Tocktober now.

Farewell my sweet little furiend. I hope we meet up again someday at The Bridge.


  1. Great tribute fur a speshul furriend. We is so sad to hear this. Purrs.

  2. This is so sad. I have known Lando since I first started reading blogs.

  3. Beautiful tribute to a special little friend. :-(

  4. That was a very wonderful tribute to Lando

  5. He was a great and precious little bun and our hearts go out to DKM, Sophia and Fiona Bun.
    We didn't remember the 'tocks idea came from him.
    He's doing binkies in the sun and warm green grass at the Bridge now, bless his little heart.

  6. We were sad to hear the news. That is a lovely tribute to 'Lando.


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