Thursday, April 26, 2012

Garden Thursday


Hello again, it is Virginger, welcoming you to my Garden Thursday time. Our weather still has been going all over with the temperatures and a few rain showers too. More signs of spring and early coming of plants that don't bloom this early.
First you can see a picture of some boy goldyfinches. Now all bright and yellow so easy to pick out at the feeders.
Some rubberbarb, oh mum says rhubarb that beans can eat, amongst the snow on the mountains that spreads all along the back of the house.
The pee-o-knee that is already growing so big.
You can even start to see a flower bud here.
One of our white lilacs that is blooming so pretty. Our purple ones don't look so good this year.
When mum went for a walk along the trail, she took the flashy box with her and took a picture of the crabby apple tree from the trail. Looks good mum.

We have new neighbors across and just down the street. Mum has not met them yet, they haven't been outside much. Even our next door neighbor who usually meets everyone first hasn't met them yet. Soon. It will be nice and everyone will be outside.

That is all for now from the garden. Enjoy your garden!

Love, Virginger

$^%&*$######, Blogger didn't publish again when it was supposed to. @#$&^%#$##.


  1. This is so neat... we've got some of the same things in our garden as you do in yours... although yours are more advanced, I think. We've got peonies & lilacs too. But we don't have any of those pretty yellow birdies. I've seen them here before but not this early. You have a lovely garden, my friends. Very pretty.

  2. we thinks the stuffs in our gardens and trees is gonna die from 3 day of snow this week

  3. Your garden is beginning to look very nice! We have peonies too, the only plant that #1 brought back from her parents' garden after they went to the Bridge and the house was sold. They are red and also in bloom!

    The Chans

  4. Mommy says the pee-oh-knee will be beautiful! Be sure to get pics when it blooms! Efurrything else is looking good, too. Thanks fur the tour. xoxo

  5. Your garden is looking lovely. We like the white lilac. We have had so much rain for the last 48 hours that our lawn looks more like a swimming pool.

  6. We have some goldfinks in our back yard, too. But your garden is way ahead of ours.

  7. Hi Virginger! Our temps have been all over the place too. In fact, tonight they are talking frost again. We are so tired of this! Our crabby apple tree bloomed, but not very good this year.


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