Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Our Weekend

This is how we spent our holliday weekend. Lots of nap, snoozing on mum's freshly washed sheets, nice. 

Ducky sitting on mum, getting loves. Mum trying to read her ebook.

Yeah, lets just walk in front of her, get between her and that thing, pay more attention to me will ya?
No? Well this is the south end of a cat going north! See ya later baby.


  1. Sounds like you had a perfect weekend. Weekends certainly are the time for freshly cleaned sheets :)xx

  2. Hope you had a great weekend. Sounds like it was pretty good. purrs

  3. Maybe Ducky was trying to read! Was it a book about cats?

  4. Sounds like you all had a nice relaxing weekend.

  5. Looks like a nice weekend was had by all! Hope you got all the pettings you wanted and Mum is enjoying her book!

  6. What a great weekend you both had!


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