Thursday, June 6, 2013

Garden Thursday


Hello and welcome to Garden Thursday with Virginger. Another week as flown by and I had to keep reminding mum she had to get this post ready! She is so bizzy with day hunting and comes home much later from it than she used to.

Plus, this is bad, no new pictures! Sheesh mum, that is bizzy, but then not much is happening in the garden. We are still waiting for the pee-o-knees to bloom, getting closer, but with the cool weather they are slow.

One thing that is blooming now, that we haven't shown yet this year is the creeping phlox. Cute little purple blooms in front of the hosta plants. Mum says she wants to remodel this flower bed this summer. When she finds time. It is growing lots of grass in it now, which makes it hard to see the good stuff. Plus she wants to make it bigger and with no sharp corners for easier grass mowing.

That is it, guess it is a day to cuddle up and snooze, cool and rainy!

Love, Virginger


  1. But a slow start in the garden means the more flowers later, right?

    The phlox is very pretty!

  2. meowloz virginger and D & D....R garden stuffz iz veree slow ta bloom az well...we az day lilies without no day ore nite !! hope everee one haza ton oh toona thurzday !

  3. The peeps had those sly phloxes before when they had their house. You should get rid of the hostas though cos their flowers aren't very pretty. That what Pop says cos he doesn't like hostas. MOL.

  4. The phlox are pretty. All our plants are late too because of the cold wet weather.


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