Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Turn the CB Pink in Memory of Skeezix.

Go here to make a donation if you choose too in Skeezix honor. 

Let's turn the CB pink today.

We were thinking about memories of Skeez, it was so much fun to see him get all dressed up in costumes for the holly-daze. Pilgrim's for Thanksgiving, Irish stuff for St Patty's day. He could rock whatever he wanted to wear. If mum tried to do that with us, we would be UTB and not coming out for a long time. 

The CB will go on, but it just won't be the same.


  1. We loved his fashion sense and how creative Karen was about getting things set up. We got to listen to her talk about some of her tricks at the first BlogPaws West a few years ago.

  2. Love what you've done to your blog in his honour.

    Sydney, Australia

  3. Wonderful tribute, Derby and Ducky. Skeezix will be greatly missed.

  4. Yeah...the holidays won't be the same without new Skeez pictures. Dood had some style!

  5. Skeez had great fashion sense and we'll all miss him.

  6. de irish suit bee dee best D & D...thanx for sharin theez :) !!

  7. LOVE that outfit photo of Skeez. Purrs...

  8. The world is a little less pink now that Skeezix is gone. We'll miss him.

  9. A lovely tribute to Skeezix. He will be greatly missed.


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