Saturday, April 4, 2015


HiYa, Ducky here bright and early. Mum had to get up today to go get her head fur all permed and stuff. Which means her head will smell funny for a couple of days.

Mum brought home fishy fry last night and yep I got my share.
 Plus mum got a box and couldn't amember ordering anything lately. But it was something she ordered months ago. A ceramic poppy from the YouKay.
 This was a huge display in London at The Tower to honor the war dead from World War One.

 All assembled  and ready to plant. Mum put it outside for now in the front, but will bring it inside during the winter.
Happy weekend everyone. Watch out for the Easter Bunney.


  1. Now you have my human craving fish and chips... I hope she brings some home!

  2. Our mom bean lubs the poppy. She wanted one too but was too late ordering.

    Have a wonderful Easter Ducky! Stay away from the chocolate bunnies.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  3. Your Poppy will look lovely in your front garden.

  4. Those chips look nice! And the poppy is a lovely idea.

    Sydney, Australia

  5. Wishing everybody some nice weather!

  6. We dont get those fried fishy things here, TBT doesnt like fish. Mebbe we can get him ta buy a small box of fishsticks fer us.

  7. That's a pretty flower. And cool that you scored some fish!


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