Thursday, June 25, 2015

Garden Thursday

Hello and Welcome to Garden Thursday.

Hope all of you are well, we are doing OK, in spite of the fact we had some nasty storms. We didn't get much rain, but it was furry windy. No damage, only a few clumps of leaves off the trees.

 Our trumpet vine that is all deaded this year, well one of the new off shoots is climbing up to take its place. That is exactly what mum was hoping for. Come fall she will cut the old woody stuff away and just leave the new one to take over.
 Last summer when the neighbor help out with tearing out all the old junky shrubs, mum knew that the little rose bush would probably go away.
 She was wrong, that rose is a hardy little thing, it may have been cut off on top, but the roots are still there and putting out flowers!
 With more flowers to come! Isn't nature grate! It survives in spite of us!
That is all for this week. Love, Virginger, Glimmer and Trooper.

ALERT: It is Ducky's purrthday on Sunday June 28. Stop on over to cellybrate!


  1. Glad that it just was some leaves that fell down in the storm. Over here it isn't much summer yet , today it's just 55F and grey weather.

  2. hay ewe gals....another grate toor N we iz happee ta see de rose bush come bak

    N dood....if we may offer, happee day wishes, best fishes, N mice creem dishes two ewe kinda earl lee ♫♫♪♫♪ coz we iz knot online on de week oh endz like hard lee ever

    a veree happee birthday two ewe, hope yur day iz rockin awesum FUN, lotz oh pizza pie N cake, N heerz two a yeer a head filled with happee nezz & health ♥♥♥

  3. Yes, nature is great!

    Sydney, Australia

  4. Hope ya have a pawsome birthday!

  5. Very cool that the rose bush survived. :)

  6. We're glad you had no damages. How cool that the rose bush is blooming again ! Purrs

  7. Our mom loves it when lost things show they are still there. Beautiful rose!

  8. Roses seem like delicate plants sometimes, but they are very hardy. And that is a lovely one.


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