Monday, March 14, 2016

ManCat Monday

It is in the nature of cats to do a certain amount of unescorted roaming. - Adlai Stevenson

It is back to Monday, me and mum did OK with the time change. Mum starts on Friday and gets everything set forward, then we operate starting then with the new time. Mum does not lose an hour of sleeps, she just goes to bed early!
 Me sitting behind mum while she was working on something or other this weekend. You know my snoopervising duties are never done.
 Mum was working on the mini-blankie, she is getting past the half way point. As you can see, I get tired doing all of this snoopervision.
 Mum did stuff outside on Caturday since it was so nice. Picking up the sticks the trees tossed down over the winter. Checking out the little plants showing up. Still snoopervising, Do you see me in the windows above? She was picking up sticks and then cooking outside.
Then she brought in the yummies to eat inside. Yep, I got some of the roast beast again, so nommy. Mum tossed out the first eggyplant of the season, likely more to come.

Have a good week all!


  1. Fancy her cooking little sticks - I bet she didn't eat though, did she?

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Sounds like you had a good weekend, Ducky!

  3. Sounds like a busy weekend, Ducky. Your human appears to be a masterful cook with the grill. Way to go, getting some of the roast beast like that.

  4. You don't stop your duties through the weekend. It was very wet and stormy here. We hightailed it to the upstairs bedroom and stayed there most of the weekend.

    Emma and Buster

  5. Looks like you had a good (and yummy) weekend, Ducky!

  6. That looks very tasty! My mum is hoping for a better summer this year so she can get the barbecue out. Last year rained nearly every day and it never even came out of the barn.

  7. I want to eat at your house, Ducky!

  8. All that snoopervising you did, Ducky, you deserved the roast beast!

  9. We was going to say what the Island Cats said...well deserved Ducky!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  10. Is your mum making that cute mini-blankie for you, Ducky?

  11. The roast stuff looks yummy ! You did a great job snoopervising, you deserve some rest. We had the same question as Laila and Minchie : is the mini-blanket for you ? Purrs

  12. Dood, that was payment for work well-one!!


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