Saturday, June 25, 2016


HiYa, Ducky here. Happy weekend! Me and mum slept in today. She really needed some extra sleeps, a couple of nights this past week she didn't sleep well and needed my extra purrs to make her fall asleep.
You know we cats are expurrsts at sleeping, so I needed to get her to relax, turn off her brain and just let go. She woke up this morning me me laying on the pillow wrapped around her head! I will purr those silly thoughts out of your head that keeps you awake.

So she is all refreshed. She has taken care of cleaning off the mess on her desk and paying all the needed bills. Then she is going on an adventure later, she is meeting up with Katnip Lounge's mum for lunch! If you hear of unrest and craziness from Lake Geneva, blame those two!

Otherwise, I am going to relax and nap. Maybe when mum comes home she can nap with me some more.


  1. How fun that your human and the Katnip Lounge human are getting together! My human and I need to get out more and meet more people outside of cat shows and BlogPaws.

  2. It sounds like your mum is going to have fun meeting the Katnip Lounge mum. I am glad you helped her get some rest.

  3. Fabulous effort on your part Ducky to help your mom relax and sleep soundly.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. That sounds like fun getting together with another blogger. Your Mom is lucky you help her sleep.

  5. We is sure your mom bean enjoys your purrs furry much Ducky. Hope she had a good time with the Katnip Lounge mom bean!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  6. Have a super Sunday!

    Noodle and crew


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