Thursday, June 23, 2016

Garden Thursday

Hello and Welcome to Garden Thursday with Virginger, Glimmer and Trooper.

Things are kind of quiet in the garden these days. The spring stuff is all bloomed out, the early summer stuff is just about over too. Mum spied one or two remaining pee-o-knee blooms, but they are about done.

So now what? Well we wait until the summer stuff starts to bloom. We can tell the day-lilies have flower buds coming, so they will be here soon.

Last year mum took down most of the tree that was almost deaded. She left the trunk part and a couple of weeks ago, the naybor came over with a chain saw and chopped off the upper half. You can see the pictures back here.

 The mum got this fancy thing out of the metal monster room, she call it an amalarry. No, mum says that is not quite right, amillary. Fancy thing for time and stuff. Mum isn't going to worry about that, she just thought it looked coo and bought it.
 She bought it when she first moved in here, and finally got a place to put it. I thinks she has other stuff she bought that belongs out here too. She can get that stuff out here once she goes through the house and finds it!
So that is all for this week. Happy gardening. Love, Virginger, Glimmer and Trooper.


  1. Wholly Mackeral, ya got a sciency thing! We dont have annything but a sundial.

  2. Pretty Cool and Smart to have in da garden !

    PS : From now on.. Please visit me @ My new blog address : 

    Thank you

  3. hay ewe galz.....that wood all sew make a grate scratchin post for
    yur brother....may bee next yeer if mum dee sides ta due sum thin
    diffrunt..... her will bring de stump inn side ☺☺☺ kewl wood THAT be huh !!

    we iz offline til monday; sew heerz two a moorish idol …chek him out ! kinda week oh end ♥♥♥

  4. That amillary looks very nice. I didn't know what it was but my mum says it tells the time.

  5. That is some interesting piece of masheenary! Mom bean says it's pawsome since it doesn't need batteries and will keep working even when the power goes out.

    Have a great weekend efurrybody!
    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  6. We have something like that too, only ours is smaller. It's on the balcony now.

    Mom and Caroline miss their old yard. :-( The rest of us never lived in that place, so it doesn't matter to us.

  7. A very nice doo-dad for the garden indeed.

    Sydney, Australia


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