Mum is doing her best to be healthy, she thought she had an icky throat one day but that didn't hang around. She is avoiding peoples as much as she can, although she went to have brekkie with a couple of her furiends who retired from the library.
We have been seeing this guy around a lot the past week, likely looking for some fevver or sqwerl to catch for his lunch. He was sitting on the power wire right near where we sit to look outside. He comes around, all of our fevvers at the feeder leave!
OK, today's flashback, mum dealing with snow. What else is new! Plus Derby getting stuck in the cold box looking for ham!
Funky Fang Shui Friday from February 8, 2008
Beware of doors closing on tails. The reward might not be worth the pain.
The snowstorm is finally over. Mum went outside Wednesday night about 8 PM to use the snow eating monster. By that time the snow had stopped and the wind wasn't so bad. So she cleaned off the snow for the forth time that day. Plus she had to clean one last time on Thursday morning after the plow went by to clear the street. She thinks we got about 13 inches total.
Thursday after she came home from work, she raked the roof of the house, then cleaned up after pulling all of that snow down. Then she shovelled the patio off. Here are pictures of the patio after she cleaned it off. Mum says the top of the piles is about three feet high.
So where was I during all of this, snoopervising, ummm, well napping and snoopervising.
Fevver Friday
Mr Downy Woodpecker
There was a LOT of snow that year for you guys!
ReplyDeleteI'm ready for spring too!
ReplyDeleteWow - your mum really had to work hard to keep clearing all that snow, Ducky. Just as well you don't have as much this year.
Sydney, Australia
That's some kind of hawk, or falcon perhaps? All of my bird books are at home, and I'm just an amateur birder anyhow.
ReplyDeletedood....well what ever ya due... pay NOE a ten shunz ta
ReplyDeletede ground hogs coz therz knot a one oh em on de same
D page ~~~~~ faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ♥♥♥
At least now when it snows, your mum doesn't have to go out in it!
ReplyDeleteWe’re gonna get a lot of snow tomorrow, too. We’re tired of it!!
ReplyDeleteSo much snow! And we seem to be back to our usual don't-get-any mode. Be a good nurse, Ducky, and tell your mom a glob of honey on a cinnamon-coated spoon (no sugar in the cinnamon) works beautifully for keeping sore throats at bay. Ha! Angel Derby, good thing you had a tail to let your mom know you were hunting for the ham!
ReplyDeleteDerby was lucky he didn't get his tail stuck in the fridge door. Did he find any ham?