Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Garden Thursday

Hello and welcome back to the garden this week. Lots of rain this past week, over 2 inches and we had the hots for a few days. Mum stayed inside with the air chiller going. She and Duck stayed nice and cool.

Pictures of the almost flowers from the lily. Mum thinks they will be purple or a dark red. She can't remember what color she bought!
 Zinnias by the side of the house, the one new yellow flower on one plant and the new pink one with the flower from last week.
We had a suggestion from the gang over at William of Mass Destruction. They suggested mum  had the hummer feeders from fishing line. She tried it and it worked, so yesterday she put up more lines to hold more feeders.
 Thanks for the suggestion, mum always has fishing line in the junk drawer. You never know when this stuff comes in for a useful project.

Mum also got about half of the grass mowed off, then it started to rain. She will need to finish that up today.

See you all next week. Enjoy.


  1. Good tip about the fishing line and terrific that your mum jumped straight in and got it done.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. We are so happy the fishing line worked! We bet the hummers will be more than thrilled!

  3. Our milkweed is now blooming, so we are hoping for monarch butterflies soon; we don't get any hummers, although we have a hummer feeder somewhere in the house. I feel bad inviting birds into the yard, since Paddy and Sweetie are excellent hunters.

  4. We are waiting for our flowers to bloom outside of our office. We've been having really hot days here and the rain has been mostly on the weekends. Good thing your mom had fishing line in the draw to get the feeders up. Looks like a great idea. Thanks for the share. Have a great day.
    World of Animals

  5. hay ewe galz N wavez two ewe dood....thatz a grate suggestion bye izzy N crew ~~~~ de fishin line will hold well two, that we noe for sure ;)

    we hope mumz lilly getz TWO bloom, de nayborhood harez eated R's ...bulb
    and all ~~~~ faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


  6. Your flowers look nice, and we know there will be more soon. Be careful with the fishing line, sunlight will eventually make it brittle and the feeders would fall. We use stiff wire and smear some sticky stuff on it to keep the ants away. We hang the wire from cupholder hooks screwed under the roof overhang.

    1. Mum is likely to replace the fishing wire each year. Wire and such has not been successful. Maybe because we are using a real tree not hanging from the house.

  7. We hope you get lots of hummers at those feeders.:)

  8. That is a good idea for the feeders. I know the Hummers will think so too.

  9. Your place looks so very nice and green!


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