Saturday, January 11, 2020

Happy Caturday

HiYa Ducky here. Happy Caturday. Hope you are all OK. Things are OK here, at least for now.

First the weather guessers are driving us crazy. They have been predicting a HUGE snowstorm yesterday into today. Well, yesterday is was super sunny during the day turning cloudy at night and then some rain and it may have gotten freezy, but mum obviously is not going out to check.
 Above, yesterday afternoon, below this AM.

Second part of the storm is supposed to come this afternoon which will be snow. Last night they said we could have 8-12 inches of snow, now it has changed to 2-6 inches. Still lots of snow but sheesh, make up your minds!

Mum is staying home today and tomorrow to be safe anyway. She was going to go to a memorial service down in Illinois and people were going to pick her up. But she wants to be safe and stay home. She sent a card out to the family the other day.

Mum also is starting to go out and about more. Yesterday she went and got her metal monster driving license renewed and went and joined the Y so she has a non-slickery place to walk this winter. 
 Mum it is going to be an icky day, come join me back in bed and sleep. Just let the snow come and it will be OK.
 Happy weekend all. Go Packers!


  1. That sounds like the best idea, Ducky, sleep through any snow that comes.

  2. I hope you don't get that storm today or tonight Ducky and staying in bed is an excellent idea!

  3. Ducky, we agree with you to stay in bed all day. You never know what kind of weather is going to be coming nowadays. We are almost seventy degrees here today, it should be in the thirty's this time of year. Hopefully, no big snow for you and good luck to the Packers. It should be a good game. Have a great Caturday.
    World of Animals

  4. That's an excellent way to deal with a snow dump, Ducky.

    Sydney, Australia

  5. We love your photos, Ducky!

    It's been so warm here that it's hard to believe it's winter. #1 says it is not a good thing at all!

    Tama and Genji

  6. Sorry you are getting snow. We have been lucky in Massachusetts, it was 60 degrees today.

  7. It is best to stay in. You can keep each other warm, no matter what the weather is!

  8. Look at your sweet face, Ducky! Depending on where the freeze line travels, it's up in the air as to whether we'll get ice or snow, or if it will just keep on raining. The Hubby and I got out early today, to be home before the weatherguessers told us the bad stuff was going to happen. Well, it hasn't yet!

  9. Even without the snowstorm, your weather looks pretty icky this weekend. A long nap is a great idea!


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