Monday, September 28, 2020
Mini-ManCat Monday
Saturday, September 26, 2020
HiYa Ducky here, happy Caturday! Me and mum are looking forward to a nice weekend. The weather guessers have been doing OK so nice weather for having open window. So at least one more nice day, then a chance of rain on Sunday. Next week the cooler weather will be back. Mum won't mind, she likes it cooler.
Mum has been working on crow-shay and buying more yarns. Sheesh lady, don't you have enuf? Heck you didn't even have enuf room in the closet to put the new stuff you bought inside it. Me doing the quality control on this blankie. Finished blankie shown below.
Thursday, September 24, 2020
Garden Thursday
Hello and Welcome to Garden Thursday. Plus welcome to the autumnal season, better known as fall. We are seeing signs of fall here and mum took some pics near home to show that.
This is a tree that is near where mum has to turn to get to our street. Just showing a bit of red. The tree below is on the corner where mum has to turn to get on our street.Then one tree on the other side of the street on the corner as well, we don't have trees that turn nice red colors, more golden.
When mum went to get the paper outside the other day she noticed a robin egg on the ground. It is hard to see in the first pic as it is near some of the fallen leaves.
Closeup and you can see it now, so mum took a pic of the nest and you can see that something has gotten at the egg. Mum thinks it might be a sqwerl.
Monday, September 21, 2020
Mini-ManCat Monday
Saturday, September 19, 2020
Caturday - Pirate Day
HiYa Ducky here, Happy Meow Like a Pirate Day. Arrrgh, ye better be minding yourselves or you will be walking the plank!
A pick of Angel Derby with his pirate patch. He was a mighty fine pirate cat and the captain of the good ship Sassycat!
Aye, I be doing my bit to find the treasure or at least few extra treats from mum. I know she will be easily purr-sueded to hand over the treats and not wanting to walk the plank!
Thursday, September 17, 2020
Garden Thursday
All of us are enjoying the weather. The only thing is we aren't getting bright sunshine cuz lots of smoke in the air from the fires out west.
Mum has been trying to keep the fevvers happy. She always keeps some foods out all year long but not lots but this time of year as the natural foods gets less. So cuz of that we are seeing more fevvers.
First is the goldyfinches. First the boy goldy fevvers are showing it is fall. They are molting over to the winter color.
Here you can see one little guy around the head and back getting all drab from the bright yellow. Mum usually doesn't catch the fall change over, but she catches the spring one as it is one of the sign of spring coming.Then we got a visit from Blue Jay. We often hear them but during the summer they usually aren't at the feeder. Now they are back and mum feels she can put out the big in the shell peanuts.
Now that is has cooled off mum needs to get cracking at the garden shut down. Start early and get it over with for the year. Hopefully not mishaps like last year with breaking an ankle.
By next week fall with officially be here, feeling like fall now.
Stay safe, stay healthy, please wear a mask.
Monday, September 14, 2020
Mini-ManCat Monday
Saturday, September 12, 2020
HiYa, Ducky here, Happy Caturday! Going to be another rainy day today. We had a tiny bit of sunshine yesterday morning but not for long. The weather guessers are saying next week will be better with more sunshine.
I want to bring to you attention a yearly event here on the blogoshpere. Peace Day or Dona Nobis Pacem. Mum says that is Latin for Give Us Peace. Peace in our lives, in everyone's life and in our world. If you want to see our previous globes you can see a link to them just to the right. This event is run by Miss Mimi and you can go to her blog to get more information. Theme this year is Peace in the Time of Quarantine. I hopes you join in on November 4.
So mum is acited as feetsball starts tomorrow for The Pack. She did watch some of the game the other night but not all of it. It will be strange to watch games with no fans to see or cheer. So Go Pack Go!
Me from another year will my team colors all painted on my furs. Or maybe I will just do lots of cheering!Yeps, I plan to have fun this weekend. You all have a wonderful weekend.
Stay safe, stay healthy, please wear a mask.
Thursday, September 10, 2020
Garden Thursday
Hello and Welcome to Garden Thursday. We are dealing with cool and rainy weather which is a change from our long string of warm and sunny days.
Not much to report this week. Mum did get the grass eater going and mowed the entire lawn last weekend. With the rain she won't be able to do it again until next week when it is supposed to get nice.
For an added treat we will give you Ducky purring. He was sitting on mum and purring really nice. So she got out the movie camera and just put the microphone by him to catch his purrs. She also caught her ticky-tock clock which is furry loud! Turn up your sound on the puter.
That is all for this week. Love Virginger, Glimmer, Trooper and Fleur.Monday, September 7, 2020
Mini-ManCat Monday
Saturday, September 5, 2020
HiYa Ducky here. Happy Caturday and happy Labor Day weekend here in Mericky. Me, I am not planning on laboring much. Mum does have to get the grass eater out to make things neat outside. It is supposed to be rainy next week. Plus the weather has been super nice.
Mum has been bizzy working to use up all of the little bits of yarns into hats. She makes these kid size as she figures they would be more happy to have a funky mash-up of colors. She isn't quite done using all of the extras but should be in a few days.
Thursday, September 3, 2020
Garden Thursday
Hello and Welcome to Garden Thursday. The weather has changed and it is oh so nice out these days. Warm but not humid and cool clear nights. We are all loving it! Mum can do some work outside without getting all hot.
Today mum plans to haul the pile of weeds, tree pruning and such off to the community compost pile. It is supposed to be windy so hopefully that won't affect her plans.
Our flowers are starting to ease off. Mum knows she should get some more flowers that bloom late into the fall. She looked at mum last weekend but didn't think they were quite good enuf to buy for the price they wanted.
One thing that is blooming is our Joe Pye weed. They should rename this, it isn't a weed! Plus we had a nice butterfly come around as well. From a distance mum thought it was a monarch but it is not.
Mum isn't 100% sure of exactly what butterfly this is. Mum tried to search the webs and came up with fritillay specifically the great spangled fritillary. Well maybe, we guess. Whatever it is, it is pretty!
With the nice weather Ducky can sit at the big window and we can all catch up again. Sure is nice to do that.
That is it for the garden this week. Stay safe, stay safe, please wear a mask.
Lover Virginger, Glimmer, Trooper and Fleur.