Thursday, September 3, 2020

Garden Thursday

 Hello and Welcome to Garden Thursday. The weather has changed and it is oh so nice out these days. Warm but not humid and cool clear nights. We are all loving it! Mum can do some work outside without getting all hot. 

Today mum plans to haul the pile of weeds, tree pruning and such off to the community compost pile. It is supposed to be windy so hopefully that won't affect her plans. 

Our flowers are starting to ease off. Mum knows she should get some more flowers that bloom late into the fall. She looked at mum last weekend but didn't think they were quite good enuf to buy for the price they wanted. 

One thing that is blooming is our Joe Pye weed. They should rename this, it isn't a weed! Plus we had a nice butterfly come around as well. From a distance mum thought it was a monarch but it is not. 

Mum isn't 100% sure of exactly what butterfly this is. Mum tried to search the webs and came up with fritillay specifically the great spangled fritillary. Well maybe, we guess. Whatever it is, it is pretty!

With the nice weather Ducky can sit at the big window and we can all catch up again. Sure is nice to do that. 

That is it for the garden this week. Stay safe, stay safe, please wear a mask. 

Lover Virginger, Glimmer, Trooper and Fleur. 


  1. Nice that you get to chat with Ducky in the lovely weather you've been having.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Yes, that is definitely a fritillary but we are not sure what kind.

    It looks like Joe Pye Weed is a native American plant and we probably don't have it here at this stage. It's very pretty though!

    Tama and Genji

  3. Whatever flutterby that is, it is lovely. We have some around the Butterfly Bush, but we never remember the names TBT tells us. We just like the way they move. And we NEVER bother them. TBT says they are "special".

  4. Oh oh OH!
    I just planted a few Joe Pye Weed plants, because they attract so many flutterbyes! I put them in the same bed as my milkweeds and cup plants; hope the combo will bring all kinds of insects into the yard!

  5. That is a beautiful butterfly enjoying your garden Ducky!

  6. hay ewe galz; we haz seen de last oh de flowerz for thiz yeer az well; even de hostas haz called it quitz !! de butter fly iz awesom....we thinked monarch two at furst glance; we will bee see em az they make they way south heer veree soon ....hope yur week a head iz grate :) ☺☺♥♥

  7. The flowers didn't do well here this year. Too hot too early, then continuous storms and rain through the summer.

  8. Ducky, did you play chasing with da butterfly ???
    I hope you did. It must be fun =^x^=
    Have a lovely weekend


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