Monday, November 30, 2020
Mini-ManCat Monday
Saturday, November 28, 2020
HiYa Ducky here, happy Caturday. I hope all of you had a nice holly-day. Me and mum did. She stayed home like a good purson, well she did go for a walk just nearby. Stayed away from people.
Mum was counting birds first thing after she got up this morning. We had a robin hanging out at the bird bath, then it got a snack of meal worms, then off to the tree. A little bit later a second robin showed up in the tree. Those crazy guys still haven't gone south but mum says they have food and water here, so why leave? Cuz it is going to get cold and snowy soon you silly birds! Go South!
Oh yeah, that big fat book you see in the first pic. Mum is almost finished with it, she has less than 100 pages to read. She has an appointment to pick up her new books on Monday. She will get this one done most likely today, but certainly on Sunday at the latest.
Have a good weekend. Stay safe, stay healthy, wear your mask.
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Me and mum want to give you our best wishes on this day. We should remember to give thanks for all that we have, not to wish for all sorts of stuff that we don't need.
Me and mum are giving thanks for our health, a roof over our heads, foods to eat, friends and our family.
Stay safe, stay healthy, wear your mask.
Monday, November 23, 2020
Mini-ManCat Monday
Saturday, November 21, 2020
HiYa Ducky here. Happy Caturday. Hope everyone is doing well today. Me and mum are doing fine.
Mum did get the last of the yard work done. Last of the leaves in the street, then she used the grass eater to even off the grass. Last thing was to clean out the metal monster room and switch out the grass eater to the snow eater. Not that we are expecting snow anytime soon.
Mum has been reading her big fat book that she got the other day from the library, so she will be working on that. Right now it is the only books she has out from the library. Sadly due to the virus thing they are back to only having curbside pickup. This book is 700 pages to read and mum is reading it slowly as it is good.
Me? I will play, mooch treats from mum, nap, help mum watch fevvers. It is fevver watching time now for the university. Heck we are still seeing robins who haven't gone south. Mum swears she even heard the call of sand hill cranes yesterday afternoon. It is fun to sit with mum and just watch the outside.
Mum got all the goodies for our special meal next week. Same stuff we had last year when she stayed home cuz of her broked ankle. Lots of good noms!
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Stay safe, stay healthy and wear your mask!
Thursday, November 19, 2020
Garden Thursday
HiYa Ducky here. Welcome to the final Garden Thursday for 2020. The garden reports started with the girls in late April on a cold day. Through all the ups and downs during the year. Mum slowly got things going in the garden, taking it easy on her ankle all the while.
Wasn't long before things got green, bloomed, then fall came and here we are now. Mum did one final use of the blower to get leaves to the street and get some of the leaves out from under the tree.
So that is it for this season outside. We are waiting for snow but we aren't likely to see any for some time. Supposed to be nice until the end of month! Mum says that it is good the snow can wait until December. Although mum did put the snow brush in the metal monster the other day.
Me? I will just play with my nip mouse and chill!
Stay safe, stay healthy, wear your mask.
Tuesday, November 17, 2020
Tuesday This and That - For Max
Me and mum are coming to terms about Max, The PsychoKitty heading off to The Bridge. Mum was truly bummed even though she knew it was coming. All of the love that gets poured out to the humans remaining is grate. Mum even went back to read through stuff from back when Derby left us. Needless to say there was lots of leaking eyes. So many people love other peoples cats, even when they never meet them in purrson.
One of the things was that Max had been one of the Founding Cats for the Cat Blogosphere. There were others, The Meezers, Oreo, The Crew, William of Mass Destruction, but the main one for Derby and mum was Max. Mum had said that when Max went to The Bridge, maybe we should stop blogging.
Now don't panic, cuz we are not giving up blogging, at least not yet. The other day Miss Megan, one of our frequent visitors and commenters said she loved coming to read the blog cuz it was "uplifting", especially in these crazy times.
So for Miss Megan and others we will continue for now.
Also, I have a couple of puzzles for you today, of pics of Max. Farewell dude, we will miss you.
Monday, November 16, 2020
Mini-ManCat Monday
Saturday, November 14, 2020
HiYa Ducky here, Happy Caturday! While the weather has gotten cooler we still have been having lots of sunny days. So lots of naps in the sun.
First of all I want to acknowledge the passing of Max, The PsychoKitty has left us and gone to The Bridge. We know his humans are sad and so are we. Mum has been all leaky eyed after checking Max's blog earlier. Mum says he was like the founder of the Cat Blogosphere. So many kits found Max and then each other. It was just one big party in the early days. I missed most of that, but Derby was right in the middle of it all.
Farewell Max, party on with the gang at The Bridge. May we meet again someday. Comforting purrs to your humans.
Mum went out the other day to do a couple of errands, wearing a mask as needed. When she got home I was all stretched out on the floor. Well, there had been a nice sun puddle here earlier and I hadn't moved yet.
Me and mum are just going to chill this weekend, will watch some feetsball. Both Budky Badger and The Pack on Sunday.
A couple of puzzles for all of you to enjoy as well.
Stay safe, stay healthy and wear a mask.
Thursday, November 12, 2020
Garden Thursday
HiYa Ducky here. Happy Thursday and an update from the garden.
First our string of really nice and warm weather went bye bye on Tuesday night. Wind and rain came and yesterday the high was just in the 40's, This is about where we should be but so much cooler than what we were having. Mum was OK with it, it was still a nice day with lots of sunshine.
The village people came by and picked up the leaves on Tuesday. Mum can still put leaves out into the street so she can do a final clean up of the leaves. Mum looked at the trees and they are clear of leaves. The wind sure helped bring the last ones down.
Monday, November 9, 2020
Mini-ManCat Monday
Saturday, November 7, 2020
HiYa Ducky here! I hope all you kits are resting when you can. We have had to to extra duty this week with the election that won't end. Mum keeps saying soon.
Not to worry mum keeps bizzy, keeps the moving picture box off and does other stuff. Reads a book, goes outside in the super nice weather we are having and also met a furiend for an outside lunch.
More super nice weather to come so mum may do more stuff outside and also just chill for part of the day.
Mum is including two puzzles this weekend. One of me and one of her groovy shirts!
Stay safe, stay healthy and wear your mask.