Me and mum are super sad at what is happening in our country. I haven't seen mum with so much leaky eyes in a super long time. Please say a prayer than that our country heals.
It has been cloudy and sometimes foggy too. Which means you can't see too far, but not so bad that mum can't drive around and see to drive. But it can make super cool stuff happen when it gets foggy and cold, then you get something mum calls rime ice on trees and such.
These were taken later in the morning so it wasn't even as thick as it had been earlier. Doesn't mother nature make things purrty!
Mum did all sorts of running around the other day. Saw her doctor (come back in 6 months), did a Targez run, and went to get her toes painted. She went wild, for her, with the color. Sorta reddish, purple with sparkle!
The other day I mentioned that mum had cut my claws and Miss Megan objected. I am not sure why, I was just getting a pawdicure. You know like you ladies get your fingers and toes all nicely clipped and painted. Just that my toes don't get painted. Amember that scratching posts don't help us with our back claws, just the front ones. Plus my first peoples took my front claws out so I don't have to sharpen those. I just sharpen my paws which doesn't actually hurt the furniture.
I was getting into mum's bag with some yarn in it. I was having a grate time with it and I usually leave mum's yarn alone. Wanna know why I was so interest? My favorite play mousie had gotten inside! I swatted it back out and mum put the yarn bag back in its place.
Hmm, puzzles, what to share, what to share! One of Derby winking! and One of me!
Stay Safe, stay healthy, wear a mask, get the vaccine when you can.