Monday, September 5, 2022

Mini-ManCat Monday

It is a very inconvenient of kittens (Alice had once made the remark) that, whatever you say to them, they always purr. - Lewis Carroll

Yep, I like to purr and mum likes to hear me purr. 

Today is a holly-day in Mericky. Although for mum, now that she doesn't work it doesn't mean a day off from work. 

 Me hanging out on mum's lap. Looks like we had a basey-ball game one. But it is now feetsball season, so next weekend we get to watch The Pack play!

After mum got all the fevver feeders full on Caturday she sat down for a few minutes, then notice this little lady flying around. So she came inside to get the flashy box with the zoomer lens. Nice to see her!

Have a wonderful week all.


  1. There is nothing better than have a cat purr to you!

  2. Mom says hearing us purr is so special to her.

  3. Sweetie crawled onto my chest today, purred, then fell asleep!
    Yes, it was a good day for me, Ducky.

  4. A cat's purr is a wonderful sound.

    Sydney, Australia


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.