Friday, June 28, 2024

Sweet Sixteen

 Who is Sweet Sixteen? ME!

Today is my purrthday according to mum, so we are celly-brating! Mum pulled out some of my earliest pics that she took of me. When I arrived here I was already a year and a half old.

Me as I first checked out the 'puter that had Derby's face on it. One of mum's fav pics of him.

Her first ever pic of me meeting me at the shelter!

As you can see, mum pulled out the stops for today. Lots of good foods, drinks and cake too. 

Thanks for coming to celly-brate with me. 


  1. Happy birthday, Ducky! Where do the years go?

  2. Happy Sweet 16th Birthday Ducky! Looks like you have all of the makings for a purrfect celebration

  3. Happy purrrrthday sweet 16! (Is it still ok to be SWEET 16?)

  4. Happy Birthday, Ducky!
    Looks like a wonderful par-tay: CB is heading for the ham, while Manny wants a turkey leg. Sweetie will lick frosting off that cake, so you'd better get her a slice.

  5. dood ‼️ a MOST happee 16 two ewe buddy with lotz oh bezt fizhez, and happee day wizhez comin yur way. N hay, ewe can get yur driverz licentz now 🏎🏎
    hope yur day rockz, thanx for de partee and de nomz and a grate yeer a head
    for ewe 🐟😺‼️💙

  6. Wow! A very very Happy Birthday Ducky.

  7. Happy, Happy sweet 16th Birthday handsome Ducky!

  8. Very happy birthday to you, handsome Ducky!

  9. Sixteen? That's hard to believe. You don't look a day over nine! Enjoy your special day.
    Sydney, Australia

  10. Happy Belated Birthday! XO

  11. I wish you many happy returns of the day!

  12. Double Pawkisses for a Happy Birthday, Ducky. Looks like you had a wonderful, and delicious day😺🐾😽💞


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