Monday, June 3, 2024

Mini-ManCat Monday

 If a cat did not put a firm paw down now and then, how could his human remain possessed. - Winifred Carriere 

First a big purr out to Jackie. Mum sending her purr-ayers too. Eric and Flynn were a couple of the original Gorgeous Gingers. I am sure that Derby is joining in from The Bridge with Eric and Flynn for their mum.

So, about my retirement. I said I am thinking about it. I am not getting any younger, I don't have much to say, even once a week! Mum's stuff will be continuing and you know I can always make guest appearances!

This was me last night. I was supposed to be snoopervising mum while she did her crow-shay. Boring, so I took a nap. So nothing much to report on. We had some nice days and some rainy days. Mum used the grass eater. 

The one weird thing she did yesterday is that she went to do her workout place to ride the bike. She left me at home with the big windows that go to the floor, OPEN! Yes, anyone could have come in and stole me! Mum says yeah, she goofed. But we live in a really safe area and people don't break into house here. 

So that is my roundup for the week. Have a good one.


  1. Thank you for the purrs and prayers, they are appreciated. I am very glad no-one came and stole you from the open window while your mum was away.
    I will miss you, but as long as you do make guest appearances that will be good.

  2. Please don't retire! We look forward to your news and your moms.

  3. Hugs to you sweet Ducky and I hope you pop in as a break from retirement if that's what you decide.

  4. We are also sending lots of good healing purrs Jackie's way.

    You don't need to have big news to share, Ducky,. We really enjoy seeing pics of you!

    The Chans

  5. Even quiet cats are beautiful to see.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.