Monday, October 7, 2024

Mini-ManCat Monday

You may own a cat, but cannot govern one. - Kate Sanborn 

Mum says she is my guardian, not my owner. A guardian is someone who cares for you even though you are not their biological child! That's mum!

A couple of pics from my vet visit. New lady vet is nice. She is supposed to call today with results from the blood they stole, but she called mum on Friday. Guess I am getting new foods to try. 

Plus my weight is just 6 pounds and 12 ounces but I have good muscle mass. Yeah, I do have good muscles!

Me and mum with the crow-shay. It is time she cleared out the closet and started a new pile! The closet is FULL.

Mum does this game thingy on the web and she got the first one right. Then she got the next groups correct too. Mum is so smart.

Sports report

Brew Crew blew it and are out of the playoffs. 

The Pack went to the left coast and played the LaLa Land Rams and won! JLove looked purrty good and so was the defense.

Mum did her last racy car day for the big national runoffs at Road American. One day and she was tired. Glad to be back home with me. 

Have a wonderful week everyone. 

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