Monday, October 21, 2024

Mini-ManCat Monday

If you yell at a cat, you're the one who is making a fool of yourself. - Unknown 

Just an FYI, me and mum have discovered over the past few weeks that we can't leave comments on Blogger blog. Tried several things and nothing seems to work. 

Yes, we visit, we just can't tell you so or how much we like things or want to cellybrate special days with you.  

We did see lots of tocks pics yesterday and we loves you for paying tribute to Angel Derby on what would have been his 21st purrthday!

Lots of sunny weather lately, so napping in the sun in the front window, snuggling with mum while she does her crow-shay and even nice enuf to have open windows yesterday. 

Mum hauled all of her blankies away last Thursday so others can have something warm to snuggle under. Here is the back seat of mum's metal monster, all full of blankies.

Four piles, six blankies deep in each pile.

Sports Report

The Pack - managed to grab victory from the jaws of defeat yesterday. They got a new kicker and he came through!

Mum also watched lots of basey ball, crashcar and even the F1 race. Although mum doesn't watch entire races, she fast forwards through most of the stuff and just watches the interesting parts. 

Hope the nice weather continues. I like having open windows. Have a wonderful week.


  1. I had a lot of trouble with Blogger last week and instead of automatically entering details I had to choose blogger in the drop down menu or fill in the url section.

  2. That first picture is SO beautiful! That's very strange about leaving comments, especially that you yourselves are on Blogger!

    The Chans

  3. Yay look at all those blankets! I bet they will bring many-a-blessing. Thanks for the Pack report - I didn't get to watch any sports yesterday.

  4. I think we all miss Derby...
    Those blankies are beautiful and it's wonderful that your mom does it.

  5. I've heard of others having Blogger issues as well.
    Hope it clears up for you.
    We posted 'tocks shots of Celestial PO'M today, while posted Da Boyz on Sunday.
    Happy Heavenly Birthday, Angel Ducky.

  6. Your mum is so kind to donate her beautiful creations. XO


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