Monday, October 28, 2024

Mini-ManCat Monday

 If a dog jumps in your lap, it is because he is fond of you; but if a cat does the same thing, it is because your lap is warmer. - Alfred North Whitehead 

Yep, gotta love the warms! Mum's lap is warm, plus the crow-shay makes it warm too. Then I have my hammick over the heaty vent and also my heated cat cup. 

 Me on mum's lap with the latest crow-shay. Supposed to be a few warm days this week, so mum still has her shorty pants on with her warm footy socks.

Next weekend mum will find the hour in the clock she hid months ago. She took a pic of the sun coming over the house across the street. It is now doing this after mum gets up for the day. Usually the sun is up afore mum gets out of her sleepy spot. 

Hollow-weenie is this week too. Mum said it will be nice enuf she can sit outside to give away candy. Unlike last year when it SNOWED! That means I can stay inside and be safe.

Sports Report

The Pack - they snatched a victory at the last minute again this week. Same guy, the kicker won it. They beat the Jag-u-ars in sunny Florida. Next week they play the Lion guys at Lambeau!

Plus bits of baseyball, crashcar and Bucky Badger feetsball. Plus mum doing outside stuff. 

Next week is Miss Mimi's Blog Blast for Peace. Mum has our Peace Globe ready! Plus you gotta go vote next week too. Vote for the cat people side!

Have a happy week, the election stuff will stop soon.

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