Monday, October 14, 2024

Mini-ManCat Monday

It always gives me a shiver when I see a cat seeing what I can't see. - Eleanor Farjeon 

Autumn weather has hit. Mum got the heaty monster all tuned up for the year. The guy who comes to do it has been here before and he asked about me. Mum said I was hiding!

Me hanging with mum while she does a blankie. This will be the last one afore she takes them for donation. That will happen on Thursday. 

Likely the last use of the griller machine. No cheeseburger but steak! Yes, I got some tastes.

This is the foods that mum is giving me now for crunchies. I guess it it OK. I still get me wet foods too. 

Feetsball Report

The Pack - played really well and the red birds didn't stand a chance. It was an interesting game in wind and rain. JLove and company looked good. 

Other sports, mum's fav driver is out of the Crashcar championship. Mum isn't worrying about the baseball teams either. 

Stay warm and have a good week.


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