Friday, April 17, 2009

Finally Friday

I am still here and still being ignored! Mum keeps going of day hunting, she comes home and then goes outside. More raking and cleaning up the yard.

So I have been spending my time napping more, sometimes watching mum do her thing.

It is getting warmer, mum comes home and opens the windows a bit so I get fresh airs to inhale.

Happy weekend, maybe I will get some attention from mum this weekend.


  1. What a sweet picture of you sleeping! We hope you will get all the attention you deserve this weekend!

  2. You certainly look like you deserve it. We cross our paws for you.

  3. If your mum is ignoring you, you should do something to get her attention. A well placed claw in the back at 3am is always effective, I find.

    Huffle Mawson

  4. Our mom does the same. Always out in the garden playing with dirt! Happy Friday, Derby!
    Purrs, Siena & Chilli

  5. Don't worry Derbs, Tigey and I are having to fend for ourselves over here as well. You should come visit with us!

  6. Hope you get lots of attention and love this weekend.

  7. I bet there is some Mom time in your future!

  8. Oh poor neglected you. I hope you have all the attention you crave at the weekend.

    Hugs Ginger Jasper x

  9. Derby, I hope you and mum get lots of sunbeams in the weekend. My mum doesnot have a green thumb, more like a wrinkled brown one.

  10. I hope you get some attention soon, Derby.

  11. We hope you get all the attention you so rightly deserve. If mum spends too much time in the garden, we go out and help her.

  12. Derby, you can come over here. Mama gets home from work and collapses on the couch. It's just a big old nap pile around here. hee hee

  13. With that look, there's no way she can resist giving you attention, Derby!

    Have a great weekend :)

  14. It looks like all your person's activity is making you sleepy.

  15. Sending you a big hug from Italy! I am very pleased to meet you Mr. Derby. Opus has told me so much about you. He says that when it comes time for football in the fall, that you are the guy who keeps us posted on how the Colts are doing (I guess we can't get the games in Italy, darn)! Looking forward to getting to know you.

    Kind Regards,

  16. Spring is a busy time for people with yards.

  17. What a very nice picture of you! Your mum MUST give you lots of attention---it's a cat law, you know!

    Noir in Texas

  18. Your Mum isn't ignoring you! Sometimes Beans just have lots of stuff to do. At least that's what our Mama tells us.

  19. I hope you get lots of attention during the weekend, Derby, and lots of open windows for fresh air.

  20. My mom keeps threatenin' to go outside and do all that stuff, but then we got big storms and the temperatures dropped-too cold! I think you should snuggle her as often as you can-reminds her why she loves you!

  21. I am sorry to hear about you being abandoned. I know all too well what that is like. I bet she does more gardening this weekend too!

  22. Good thing you could come to our party and get some distraction and attention!
    And it just wouldn't have been that much fun without you. We hope you had a really good time too and not too much of a 'nipover'!
    The Cat Realm
    And we do hope your Mom will better behave herself and give you more attention!

  23. hey Derbs, i'm sorry your Mom ignores you. that happens here too. i can't 'magine what could be more important than rubbin' the kitty's stomach or playin' with him

  24. Bet your yard looks lovely after yr Mum has had a good weekend worth of cleaning in it.

  25. That's a very sweet picture of you. We hope your mom had time to shower you with attention this weekend.


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