Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Farewell Oreo

One of my earliest furiend when I started blogging was Oreo. He was a Tuxie poodin who love his beans, NASCAR racing and lived life to its fullest.

You will be missed little guy, see you at The Bridge.


  1. So sad to see another loved one gone to the bridge. Hugs to his family and all his friends.

    RIP little one.

    GJ x

  2. Gentle purrs to his family and to you who lost a dear furriend. See you, Oreo!
    Purrs, Siena & Chilli

  3. Yes, farewell, Oreo. It's always sad to say good-bye.

  4. We were so sad to hear about Oreo.

  5. We are crying & crying here too.
    He was such a cool dude.

  6. The CB got just a little less awesome yesterday...

  7. We are very sad to hear the news about Oreo. He was a great friend and will be missed by everyone who knew him.

  8. We're very sad about this, too. He was one of our original buds. :-(

  9. We are furry sad about Oreo too.

  10. We're really saddened to hear this. We'll definitely miss Oreo. Purrrrs.

  11. Fanks you fur yore kind words Derby. I will be rite there wiff Momma rootin fur Jimmie effurry Sunday. :) Her has purromised to keep an eye on alla my furriends for me so I'll be leefin messages frum time to time. I has missed you.

  12. I know ... it's just so sad...

  13. It is always sad when someone goes away! My mom still misses her Dandelion so much that she gets teary eyed ... and it has be 2 years!

  14. I am really sad about Oreo, too. He was one of my first blogging buddies, as well.

  15. I can still remember our great adventure together back when I was new to the cat blogosphere. Oreo was such a treasured member of this community, and his passing saddens me. Our thoughts and purrs are with his family...

    Zeus, Isis, and Ares

  16. Dear Oreo's Mom - we are very, very sad for your loss. Oreo was a wonderful kitty and loved you lots, just like you loved him. My Mom and I will light a candle and say a prayer for him tonight


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