Friday, April 10, 2009

Spring is Here!

Yep we have our first spring flowers, mum got a few pictures yesterday of the crocus out front. She swears they weren't out on Wednesday. The daffs are just about ready to open too.
Then too mum brought out the chairs for sitting outside. And she got the outside cooking thing up and running but hasn't cooked on it yet. She says maybe tonight she will do chick-hen and has them thawing in the big cold box.
The only bad thing about the outside chairs is they block my view from the big windows that go to the flow.

The grass eating monster is back from its tune-up. Mum says she is ready for the grass to grow.
I am ready for the windows to be open all the time, wide open.

Happy Easter everyone.


  1. h you are at your window ready. I love my window and like to look for all my human friends passing.

    All our daffs have gone now, but lots of blossom out.

    GJ x

  2. We am wishing you nice warm weather to make dem daffydills pop!

  3. We have the CHERRYBLOSSOMS!!! The Girl made me stand still in front on them for a picture...

  4. It is nice to see signs of Spring everywhere!

    Happy Easter to you and your family Derby!

  5. We're with you, Derby! We want the windows opened!!!

    Our flowers are just starting to show up too!

  6. Last time I checked there weren't any flowers in the garden yet, but the leaves were coming up. I'm jealous, we should have more than this in Michigan!

    Hey Derby, that didn't look like much whipped cream, but I pretty much will eat all three cans myself over time. So, you see, even if I get a little at at time (Mom's afraid to give me too much) I do get a lot in the end!

  7. Stop on by my blog, the cat is out of the box, er...bag!


  8. happy Easter Derby & Mum! Nothing blooming here. The green shoots are barely poking their heads up in our neighborhood.

  9. Those are lovely. We have most of ours out too.

    I have no idea how Mao and family get the most obscure pictures. I think there is a way to look up images online but haven't quite figured out how to do it!

  10. Those crocus are very pretty. We are glad Spring has arrived for you at last.

  11. Our crocuses are just now gone and the daffs are in full bloom. Your crocuses look real nice...

  12. We are looking forward to getting that same nice weather in PA soon.

    Hey Derby, here's an orange and white cat who's also named Derby.

  13. We had a few nice days where the windows were open but it's Oregon and the cold rain came back. But mom bean got the porch all cleaned up from winter. The sun came out late today but it's still cold out. Spring is coming though.

    Happy Easter


  14. We love it when the windows are opened! Wonderful, wonderful spring!

  15. I wish we could sit at the windows like that. The beans have allergies and asthma tho. Maybe we need new beans.
    Have fun Derbs!

  16. Happy Easter to you & your mom, Derby! Sending you lots of warm weather wishes,

  17. You got those croakus things too! Only one bloomed in my garden this year, Mom says they prolly need to be dug up and separated.


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