Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Clean Purring Machine

Goodness, gracious. Too many of our furiends need our purrs. Chey, Shaggy, Sniffie too. Everyone get better soonest to all of you.

I am a great purrer, mum says I am just a little purring machine. I gotta keep my purrer and the rest of me in tip-top shape. I stretch, run and of course, keep a clean machine.
Thank goodness she covered my spot 13!


  1. heehee! The Shamrock of Modesty!

    We are purring hard for our friends, too. It seems so many kitties are sick all at once.

  2. We are purring loudly for them all too...kisses sweet boys...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  3. Good you are keeping yourself in tip-top clean and purring shape!

  4. Yeah, keep dat spot covered unless yoo wants to bring in da babes. Hee heee.

  5. We're purring for all our friends in need!

  6. We are always purring for our fellow kitties! Good thing you keep yourself running well!

  7. Now Lando Bun is sick too today. We are purring for him also--fortunately my purr has not broken.

  8. Oh my yes...a guy doesn't want his Spot 13 flashed all over the internet!

  9. Yep, it looks like you are great at keeping a clean purring machine!

    And we are purring for all of them too - we hope everyone is better very soon!

  10. thank you so much for thinking of us and posting that beautiful graphic!
    We were back at the v-e-t today for xrays & blood tests.
    AND.....you have one of the cleanest machines we have ever seen! Keep up the good work.

  11. Terrific post Derby and Ducky!

    We're purrin for efurryone too.



  12. We've got our purrers going overtime purring for all our furiends...

  13. Purrs for all who needz dem!

    That looks like a very thorough baff!

  14. We're doing a purr-a-thon today too ~ for Vic at Zoolatry and Chey, Sniffie and Shaggy and all the sic cats and pups.

  15. I puts my leg in air like that but I is more handsome.

    I is Maximus Spittimus and I is backimuss.

    It is Two Legs fault and I bites his toes and I is backs!

    Four Dinners
    Aide de Camp
    Maximus Spittimus


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