Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Mum had her bored of the library meeting tonight. When she got home she had chick-hen and we each got a bit of it.

Then mum sat down to look at the mail, gave Derby some scritches, then reached out to me and managed to whap me on the nose! So I whapped her hand!
I moved out of her reach for now. I know she didn't mean it, but still.


  1. Well, ya HAD ta whap ta teach her ta be more careful next time! They just dont learn if ya let them get away with that stuff.

    Happens here too. I was jumpin up on the (allowed) table when TBT turned around and shoved me right off with an elbow. He dint mean to, but I hopped right back up and firmly held his palm in my mouth for a couple seconds!

  2. Well, you know, at least she didn't step on you...

  3. If my human commits some such unintentional act of violence, I run away! That makes her feel even more guilty.

  4. These humans are so clumsy sometimes!

  5. Owwie! Doesn't she know our noses are sensitive, delicate things???

    ~Slash & Bronzy

    PS. Our verification word is a funny one -- kiessemi... like "Kiss me!"

  6. We don't blame you, Ducky, and we don't think your mum blames you either. A cat has to have lightning quick reflexes because a cat never knows when some unwary prey will stroll by. (And anyway, she hit you first!)

  7. I know how you feel. Marmie steps on my tail. Often. When she does this, I run and hide under the bed for at least an hour. You never know when a previously good Marmie will turn on you.

  8. we don't blame you, either, and think you did the right thing. You have to teach her to be more careful!

  9. An accidental whapping is still a whapping - we just hope you kept your claws in....

  10. You have to hold your ground. If she can't respect you, well she gets whapped...

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  12. Best to keep your distance, Ducky.
    We think she may have been switched at the library bored meeting.

  13. Hey...a guy shouldn't be whapped when all he wanted was a scritch!

  14. Absolutely the right response Ducky!
    The kitties should be first priority, not looking at the mail, and their full attention must go to us.

  15. oh we are so sorry to hear dat. good for you for whapn back. we kitties are sensitive. if we acidentally get bumped into or something we make the bean follow us all around the house apologizing, hehehe!

  16. sometimes they nefur learn if yo don't whap them!


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