Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Mother Nature &^%$#^

Yes, more of the white stuff today. Our poor daffs are getting snowed on and droopy! Yeck, yeck and more yeck! Spring, where did you go?

So we nap and snuggle to stay warm.


  1. DERBY and DUCKY,
    Spring is not with me ! Where I live we are heading to Winter. And Today I have a rainy day and cold !
    So I do nap too ! I join your nap club : )

  2. We've had lots of Spring, I need to send y'all some, sure beats that cold white stuff!!!

  3. We agree...yuck! Mother Nature has a really bad sense of humor.

  4. I think summer is already here at my house. You know that any moment we'll be whining about the heat.

  5. That really is a bummer. I hope this is the last snowfall this season!

  6. oh no! I hope it melts soon!

  7. We just got snow that stuck yesterday!

    My name is Oskar & I have a blog that I'd love for you to check out, www.PetBlogsUnited.com. It's a great place for pet bloggers to find each other and get some exposure!

    Nubbin wiggles,

  8. We will send Mommy outdoors to flap her arms in your general direction and send warm weather your way.

  9. This weather is making mama cranky, too! A little SUN would be nice!

  10. Hi Boys! Those flowers are lovely but they do look a little chilly. Lucky you, all warm and cozy inside!

  11. We heard about your snow last night on the late news. We've gotten cold today, and feels like it's going to snow here as well. We're gonna be snuggly and nap a lot as well.

  12. We had an inch of the white stuff this morning too!
    It was gone by noon and it was a nice wet watering for the grass (that's the good side of it!) the bad side of it is that it is so discouraging that spring won't come.

  13. Momma told me that one time Patches thought spring was just around the corner. She couldn't find it, although she looked. Maybe your spring is around your corner.

    Miracle 4Paws


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