Thursday, November 19, 2015

Garden Thursday

Hello and Welcome to Garden Thursday with Virginger, Glimmer and Trooper.

Hey, guess what, we are inside! Mum said with what little she needs to do outside, she is OK with us not being there to snoopervise. So in we came last weekend. Ducky joining us on the tower by the back windows. That way we can see what is going on outside.
 Close up of us, all hanging out on the same level. Glimmer may be skinny, but she sure is tall!
 Glim down on another level with a certain ginger mancat checking her out. Yeah, we smell like outside and the Duckster doesn't get to be outside!
Mum says all she needs to do outside is to chew up the last of the leaves with the mower, then run the mower dry. Only problem is the weather, well and darkness. Mum can only do this stuff on the weekend, and they are talking SNOW for late Friday into Caturday. Then it will all melt next week. We shall see, so stay tuned. We will find out if the weather guessers are right or not.

That is all. Love, Virginger, Glimmer and Trooper.


  1. hay ewe gals....we wundered when ya waz gonna call it a day out side for de seezon.....well, bee fore ya noe it, spring will bee heer & ya can get bak outside ta start spyin on nayborz again !!!

    heerz two a beaked salmon kinda week oh end ! ♥♥♥

  2. Glad you girls are indoors enjoying the warmth. It has been very mild and wet here, but due to get very cold at the weekend so mum has to cover all the more tender plants with fleece.

  3. Snow? OMC! It's supposed to maybe freeze here.

  4. How fun that you got to play inside this week. :)

  5. It's nice to be inside, isn't it? Have a fun weekend, kids!

  6. It's going to be nice to be inside if snow is coming ! Have a great week end ! Purrs


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