Monday, February 29, 2016

ManCat Monday

When addressed, a gentleman cat does not move a muscle. He looks as if he hasn't heard. - Mary Sarton
 No, not moving, enjoying the sun puddle way too much. Did lots of napping here over the weekend. Early morning sun and naps, what could be better?
 Caturday mum opened the window in the kitch-hen. It was so nice to breathe the fresh airs, listening to the fevvers singing like crazy. Except for a now small pile of snow by the end of the driveway our snow is gone. But the weather guessers say we may get more this week. Mum says it won't last long on the ground, we get warmer weather and more sun.
 Mum has a new mini project! The big blankie is totally done and she had a bit of yarn left. So she is working on something small that will end up as a doll blankie. More work to snoopervise.

Plus it is LEAP Day. Only comes around once every four years, so have some fun with it.


  1. Ooo! You're getting open windows and fresh air? Awesome!

  2. Our big pile from the snow bucket loader guy (who made it a point to dump as much street snow/slush/ice on our front yard as possible) is gone already. We thought it would last til May...

  3. Wasn't it great having windows open this weekend! Your mom should make you a small blanket out of some yarn.

  4. With all that snoopervising you need to do, it's little wonder that you need to nap so often.

    Sydney, Australia

  5. That open window must have smelled wonderful! Spring will be here before you know it.

  6. We wish the mom would open a window for us!

  7. Sun puddles are the best! We wish we would get more of them in our apartment, but our apartment faces the wrong way.

    The blankie your mom made is really gorgeous - we bet the doll blankie will be beautiful, too!

  8. It is nice to have the window open and get all those fresh air smells.

  9. Excellent supervision! Our mom does stuff with yarn too!


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