Saturday, May 6, 2017

Caturday - Derby Day

HiYa Ducky here. Welcom to my Derby Party for when the horsies run for roses. So come on in and have some noms and maybe a few nip juleps.
Lots of foods so help  yourselves, if you don't see something you like, then ask the staff for it.

Nip juleps, but be careful, they can be powerful. Plus kittens, only milk and water for you. 

I would like to raise a toast to my late, grate brofur Derby. He was adopted on the first Caturday in May back in 2005. Officially it was on May 7, so Sunday is his official Gotcha Day, but we celllybrate Derby Day every year just for him.Cheers to you Derby, love you and miss you.


  1. When we saw that it was Derby day, we immediately thought of our friend Derby. That is quite the party you are throwing. We hope that you are having better weather than us. It has been pouring with rain all day!

    The Chans

  2. Cheers to Derby!
    I am sure there is a great party going on at the Bridge with all of the Gorgeous Gingers, and the many other departed friends.

  3. What a fun party! We're watching the Derby right now. Seems to be later and later every year.

  4. I hope your mum doesn't mind being referred to as 'the staff' on one day of the year!

    Sydney, Australia

  5. Happy Derby Day! Thanks for the invite to celebrate with you, Ducky and mom.

  6. We missed the race cuz it was dinnertime... Happy memories of Derby.

  7. Happy belated Derby Day ! What a pawsome celebration ! Purrs

  8. happee bee lated dood....we had one hellava partee heer dinna we....

    it waz awesum N everee one total lee N joyed ~ ♥♥☺☺

    { can we say hell in heaven ....oh well ~~~~~ }


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