Saturday, May 27, 2017


HiYa, Ducky here. Happy Caturday and Happy Memorial Day weekend. Nice for the working beans that they don't have to work on Monday. Mum and I are always on holly-day now with er retired.

I am up and playing, chasing around the house, up and down the tower a few times. Just having fun playing. Mum readed the newsy paper and I held her down. We watched the sqwerls, chippies and fevvers for a bit too. Now mum says she needs to go outside and pull weeds!
On a sad note our good furiend Shaggy ran off to the bridge. He joins his brother Scooby there and all the rest of the gang. Mum was all leaky eyed when she found out. See you again someday Shaggy. Farewell.
 Have a safe weekend.


  1. This isn't much of a holiday weekend for us - my human's busy with a conference and work.

  2. We enjoyed a long sunny holiday weekend too, and Claire did a lot of planting and seeding in the garden. Purrs

  3. Enjoy the weekend with your mum, Ducky.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. Have a fun weekend, Ducky. We are sad about Shaggy too.

  5. Sounds like you had a lovely Caturday Ducky and mom.

    We are so sorry to hear about your furriend. We send our purrs.

  6. We love havin TBT retired too. We get him all day. Happy ta hear you are enjoyin the same!


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