Monday, July 8, 2019

ManCat Monday

Cats are intended to teach us that not everything in nature has a function. - Garrison Keillor

Hey, I have a function. It is to fur everything I can with my furs. I am very good at doing that. Plus it is to purr on mum as needed.

Me and mum had a marvy weekend. The weather got cooler and less sticky. Mum could open the windows and we enjoyed the fresh air. Mum did work in the yard, as well as reading and doing a bit of crow-shay on hats. 
 Above, me basking in the late afternoon sunshine in the kitch-hen windows. Unlike Derby I don't lay on the table. Me, holding mum down later in the evening while she was watching the moving picture box.
 We are supposed to have a few more nice days afore the hots come back. Have a good week everyone.


  1. Good to see you hard at work holding your mum down, Ducky. Keep it up.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. That is kind of an insulting quote! I feel like I have LOTS of functions!

  3. I agree with Summer, that quote is an insult to cats!

  4. hotz waz heer N still iz ...glad ewe N mum hada grate week oh galz R gonna bee wishin for winter if de crazed heet stix round !! :) ♥♥

  5. Obviously, Garrison isn't a cat purrson...his loss!
    We too had some relief from the humidity, and trying to get Da Boyz out of the window at night was pretty funny; they didn't want to go!

  6. Happy Mancat Monday, Ducky!! Glad you and mum had a cooler weekend. Glad you both had a relaxing time together watching a movie. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful day.
    World of Animals

  7. Good job holding the Mom down, it makes you both happy!

  8. We had a cooler weekend, too, but still it was too hot for us to hold down our mom!

  9. We’re finally getting that cooler weather too and it feels so good.

  10. Hi Ducky! We do have a function - keeping our humans happy is one of the most impawtant ones! You look like you're doing a good job of it.

    Hugs, Teddy

  11. So glad you had a marvy weekend!
    I totally love your photo here!!!

    Check out my homeless cat blog archives about the abandoned/feral cat colony I manage.

    Debby in Arizona


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