Monday, April 27, 2020

Mini-ManCat Monday

I suspect that many an ailurophobe hates cats only because he feels they are better people than he is -- more honest, more secure, more loved, more whatever he is not. - Winifred Carriere

Hmmm, maybe that is why Uncle Stormy doesn't like me, cuz I am smart!

We had a nice Sunday. It was sunny, mum had multiple windows open a little bit. Even the big windows that go to the floor. I was napping right by them. Mum did a little bit of work outside, cut down a small tree!

Plus the scammers are out. Mum got two separate emails asking her to take a survey on the postale, or postal service. HA! They obviously didn't use the official logo. Mum just deleted the.
Plus mum can go and pick up books from the library today. She still has about 15-20 Agatha Christie books to read afore she is totally done. She has been reading them bit by bit for years, but since she couldn't get library books, that has been her main reading. Mum will be happy for a change.

Miss Megan, yeah, mum can read books that fast too. They only let you have 5 books for how long? Sounds like mum's home delivery lady. She get four books for four weeks, she is usually done in 2-3 weeks. Now with this virus thingy the library stopped the deliveries for now. Mum hopes she gets to see her lady again soon. She likes her.

Everyone have a good week. Stay home, stay safe, stay healthy.


  1. My human checks out ebooks from the library pretty often!

  2. We have also noticed that the scammers are out in force. Shame on them!

    Our #1 has just started reading a 1000 page paper book (The hand of Fatima by Ildefonso Falcones), so she has her work cut out for her.

    Tama and Genji

  3. Yes, the spam email has been arriving here too. It's mostly the usual from banks I have never dealt with saying they will close my account unless I reply in so many days. They get deleted immediately too.

  4. The local library is doing the best it can, but ... you have to order books online, then wait for them to become available and then they're recorded on your membership card and then ... you sit and wait until it's your turn to have them home delivered. After they've been read, I can return them to the library through their returns chute BUT they allow the books to sit untouched for five days - presumably in case they've got virus on them. And only then do they take them off your library card and allow you to order more. Sheeeeeez. Yes - better than nothing but painful nevertheless. Normally, we're allowed to borrow up to 20 books for three weeks. I don't typically have that many out at once, but a dozen is not unusual and I return three or four each week. Not having books from the library to read has been driving me crazy. Yes - got books here at home, but it's not the same as new stuff that I haven't read before.

    First. World. Problems. (I know - no need to tell me! LOL)

    Sydney, Australia

  5. I'm pretty addicted to audiobooks, Ducky...and I can order them from the library app on my phone in seconds. However, popular books have a wait list, so that's a bummer.

  6. We always get span too and we delete more that we could count! Enjoy your sunny week Ducky!

  7. Ducky, we are happy you and your mum had a wonderful Sunday. Good thing she noticed those scam emails. They are really sneaky people out there. Thanks for sharing. Have a relaxing rest of your day.
    World of Animals


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