Saturday, June 20, 2020


HiYa Ducky here. Happy Caturday. Happy First Day of Summer! We went from rather cool weather to hotter weather. Me and mum are keeping cool inside.

Mum runs the fans inside the house to move the air around inside to help keep us cool. When she does that I get an extra play thing. The sun reflects off the fan which is moving back and forth. This only happens later in the day when the sun shines through the big windows that go to the floor, AND mum is running the fan. Please excuse the mess, the sucky monster was out.

Mum is planning on watching on line the sunset today and the sunrise tomorrow from Stonehenge. You can access it here. You will have to figure out the British Summer Time (BST) to your local time yourself. Mum sort of thinks she has it figured out. 

Then I get all tired and go hang out with mum and rest.

Have a happy and wonderful weekend.

Stay safe, stay healthy. 


  1. I'm going to watch Stonehenge today too!
    It's hot here, and it's gotten quite muggy too...

  2. You sure were having fun chasing those light fairies! Thank you for your kind words about our sweet Zoe, we appreciate it.

  3. Happy Caturday, Ducky!! We are going to have to check out that Stonehenge link. That sounds pretty amazing. We hope you have a beautiful rest of your weekend and keeping cool during these warmer days.
    World of Animals

  4. That was fun playing with light reflections. Rather like playing red dot! I just watched the sunset too. There is a band of very heavy rain moving across through the night and it looks like it will reach Stonehenge around the time of sunrise. Such a pity when there was the chance of seeing it live.

  5. What a fun game with the fan reflection, Ducky!

  6. But didya catch it, Ducky? Do tell!

    Sydney, Australia

  7. Wow Ducky - that reflection makes a wonderful chase-toy ! No wonder you are so tired ! Purrs !


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