Monday, June 22, 2020

Mini-ManCat Monday

Cats don't want to own people. They prefer to lease with an option.

Happy Monday. Hope you all had a good weekend. Me and mum did. We stayed home, did stuff inside and out. Stayed safe.
Me just chillin' on the rug yesterday afternoon. Doing my Egyptian Sphinx pose.

The Stonehenge thing was a bust. It was cloudy and / or rainy. Mum did watch for a bit on the puter hoping that perhaps a break in the clouds would happen. It didn't. Maybe another year?

Chasing light fairies? That is a good description of what I was doing. They don't show up every day, only around for a brief time, but fun to play with.

Mum is going to have a bizzy week, well, sort of this week. Lots of time to be with me too.

Stay safe, stay healthy.


  1. You look very happy and cute too Ducky!

  2. Yes, I watched Stonehenge as the sun set (cloudy), and when the sun rose the next day (cloudy)! Oh well, it was still fun to converse with folks from around the world...I am ever so social on those things!

  3. Beautiful picture of you, Ducky ! Have a nice week ! Purrs

  4. dood thatz one total lee awesum sphinx pose buddy !!! ewe nailed it... even if de sphinx hiz selv dinna use nailz :) ☺☺♥♥

  5. It was a pity that it was cloudy for the solstice at Stonehenge.
    That is a good pose, Ducky.

  6. You should have done your post in hieroglyphics!


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