Monday, June 1, 2020

Mini-ManCat Monday

I am devoted to the study of cat bathing as a martial art.

Hello and Welcome to June! Gosh another month of, well, ho-hum, staying home and staying healthy. I guess that is OK, we like being healthy. We had a beauty-full weekend, all sunny, not too warms. Mum had the windows open for lots of fresh air.
You bet I took advantage of that and hung out in the open window. Mum got a hanging plant to hang outside so I can see it when I sit on my window perch. Mum is hoping that we will get hummers that will come to get a drink of nectar from the flowers. 
 Mum got the new jelly feeder put outside. The little wells are very small so they don't hold much jelly. Mum had to refill it on Sunday afternoon. That is OK.
Mum doesn't have much on the to do list this week. A bit of using the grass eater and then also getting more library books from the pickup spot.

Stay safe, stayhealthy.


  1. Welcome to June! From tomorrow, we in France are free to go were we please, but #1 isn't planning to go anywhere fr the time being.

    Tama and Genji

  2. It looks like you had a beautiful weekend!

  3. You're gonna get some sensational birdie TV from that plant and jelly feeder Ducky. Our local library opened for business not-quite-but-almost-normal today. Yaaaaaaaay. We've been restricted to only 5 books each when the library was closed, but now we're back to 20 books. I got in and scored a dozen today, so I'm very happy.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. Ducky, because of the increased sunshine here, it warms the fur of all of our housepanthers, and I just LURV to run my hands on that hot fur! Yippee!

  5. We are getting lovely weather too, although after mid week it is expected to drop by 10°s or more.

  6. You look pretty happy in your window Ducky and you have a nice view. We don't have any jellies to feed here.

  7. bee nice heer az well fora change oh pace

    de gurl said her never saw a jelly feeder N googled it; her thinked maybe de hummingburdz wood stop bye ther... but nope

    guess they onlee like ther sugar waterz !! ☺☺♥♥


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.