Monday, July 5, 2021

Mini-ManCat Monday

God allows cats into Heaven just so He can keep an eye on them. - Dixie Carter

Keep an eye on us? No, we gotta keep an eye on him or her!

Me and mum had a quiet day yesterday. She stayed home and watched racy cars on TV. Although she did have an invite to go to the big CrashCar race she didn't want to spend all day there waiting around for a couple of hours of racing. Plus you only see the cars go by about once every 2.5 minutes. Mum says that is boring. She is too used to actually working events, not spectating. 

I did get a bit bizzy and noisy the past few nights. Mum did get some moovies. They set stuff off, then move around in case the police get called. Good news is that they stopped at bedtime. 


 Here is mum's holly-day lunch. She grilled herself a burger and had some salad stuff with it. Then she ate it while the racy cars did their thing.

Then me and mum put our feets up and rested and watched the moving picture box. We are not planning on doing much today. No racy cars to watch, so mum will probably read a book. 

Have a wonderful week everyone.


  1. I hope you got a taste of that burger. :)

  2. I visited family members and had a terrific chin wag with all!

  3. I am glad those noisy fireworks didn't go on too late and you had a nice weekend with your mum.

  4. Great photos. I love the one with your paw out :-D

  5. Fireworks stopping is a terrific thing Ducky!

  6. dood....mum getted sum grate shotz noe doubt; de firez werkz waz sew crazed heer

    we dinna even eat R dinner.....


    happee week a head two ewe both :) 3♥

  7. Me and Dad watched racing too. Indy and F1. Both were great races. We are dipping our toes into NASCAR again but... meh, so far. You both have a great week too


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.