Thursday, October 28, 2021

Thankful Thursday

 Yep, lots to be thankful for, just being alive and well. Both me and mum. Roof over our heads, foods to eat, furiends to be with. 

Our handy Dan was here with son Nate to replace our front storm door. They came and mum went with them to the door store and picked out what she wanted. Same door will go on front and back. Mum says you gotta do stuff to your place to keep it up to date.

Getting it in place and the finished job below! They gotta come back to do the back door. Took them longer than they expected.

Me helping mum watch the moving picture box about stories of stars and how our star will run out of gas in a lot of years from now. Mum says we don't need to worry, we will both be at The Bridge or Heaven by that time.

Plus mum was working on her newest blankie. Several people mentioned it looked liked tortie colors. The official name is Platoon. Mum says that is cuz they wear these colors when the military fights in desert places. 

Here is the finished blankie with the insert stripes. Mum was please with how it turned out. 


  1. Ducky, color me green with envy at your new storm door! We need new ones for all four of our outside doors, and for many of our windows. Eastside Cats's home was built in the last 1800's, and was added on in 1920's and 1940's, so a lot of things are OLD! However, The Hubby hasn't brought himself to dial the storm door guy yet; we are waiting!

  2. The storm door looks very smart. I like the blankie and the stripes really set it off.

  3. That's a nice storm door Ducky. Here's to no storms, no scary storms to test it. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thrusday Blog Hop!

  4. You and your mum did a great job on that blanket.

  5. Your Mum is so talented. Her blankies are just lovely!

    Great photos of you, Ducky!

    Tama and Benny

  6. Nice work on the new storm door. Dad says he's replaced a few over the years and says it can be a challenge, especially on old houses and especially when doing alone. That one blankie does, without question look like my furs!


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