Monday, January 23, 2023

Mini-ManCat Monday

... no wisdom that [my kitten] may gain by experience and reflection hereafter will compensate for the loss of her present hilarity. - William Cowper

Happy Chinese Lunar New Year. Mum didn't get Chinese food to eat this weekend. Maybe soon. It is the year of the Rabbit. Mum says she is a Snake and I am a Rat! Dat looks like a mean bun!

All quiet this past week. Not much going on, mum doing her usual stuff and me doing my usual stuff. Oh hum, what exciting lives we lead. 

Yes I got hugged and kissed, usually do most every day. Mum likes to cuddle, especially when I invade her sleepy spot. 

Yes I always have questions and mum does her best to answer them, or look up the answers. She also has an inquiring mind. Says we should never stop being curious about stuff and learning. That is why she reads so much.

 It has been cloudy so much that me and mum are wishing for sun, but then that means colder weather. However we haven't had much snow this year. Not compared to some of our furiends. Some places have had feets of snow, we haven't even gotten to one feets! Tiny bit of snow on Sunday, mum didn't even clear the driveway!

Me, sitting on mum while she is doing the crow-shay with the feetsball games on Sunday. 


 Feetsball Report

Mum watched all of the games this weekend and she like some results and not so much some of the others.

AFC - Them Chiefs will be playing the Bengals! Nice to have a cat team playing. Mum sorta wanted the Bills, but is still OK with Bengals. The game was like watching in a snow globe.

NFC- Da Eagles will be playing the Niners. Mum was happy that the Cowboys and Coach Mike aren't moving on. Mum knows Coach Mike used to be the Packer coach but she isn't fond of him.

Have a wonderful week everyone.


  1. I agree, that rabbit does look mean! I am a Rabbit, but I prefer to say Cat from the Vietnamese calendar.

  2. I usually like watching football games in the snow .... but this one I missed all but the last few minutes .... ugh ... I bet it was fun and pretty (I like your word - snowglobe!)

  3. It's nice to just take it easy and cuddle during the winter, Ducky!

    The Chans

  4. We received over an inch of snow, but hoping it will melt away before the next system hits in mid-week.
    Funny how I'm busy when the snow is falling, but am stuck at home when there is no precipitation...?!?
    What is that about?

  5. We’re supposed to get a snow storm on Wednesday. I am not amused. ~Ernie

  6. happe mew yeer dood..hope ewe N mum iz doin grate…heerz two a good week a head 🐟❤️

  7. January is our take it easy month. And lots of watching football. Mom agrees, happy coach Mike didn't win either. Although the Dad was hoping he did. Scratching our heads about that one.


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