Monday, July 10, 2023

Mini-ManCat Monday

One is never sure, watching two cats washing each other, whether it's affection, the taste or a trial run for the jugular.- Helen Thomson 

Or if we are licking our human, is it for love or are we tenderizing the flesh? MOL

Kept hearing noise from outside. Mr Sqwerl wanted to mess with our watering can. Mum managed to get a couple of pics. 

 The weather improved, especially the air quality, so mum could open the windows and the big window that goes to the floor. 

Nice to sit in the front window, do some basic cleaning and then have a nice nap. 

Mum worked to even off the grass this week with the grass eater. We haven't had much rain so some places it wasn't growing much. Mum thinks if we don't get rain she won't have to use the grass eater for another 3-4 weeks!

Plus she has been doing crow-shay making hats. When she gets them all done I will have her post some pics. 

Hard to believe that we are at the middle of July too. Sheesh, where is summer going? 

Have a wonderful week everyone.


  1. Helen Thomson poses a good question: maybe they are just cleaning each other up for the kill!
    As Da Boyz do...

  2. Absolutely gorgeous pics of you today Ducky.

    Sydney, Australia


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.