Monday, August 21, 2023

Mini-ManCat Monday

If animals could speak the dog would be a a blundering outspoken fellow, but the cat would have the rare grace of never saying a word too much. - Mark Twain 

Thanks Mr. T for the compliment! 

The hots are back for this next week. Sunday was super hot and sticky and a few more of those this week. Then mum says the weather looks like it will shift to more normal and nice weather!

Mum got me snoozing in her lap while she did crow-shay this past week. Using up the left over yarns from that last blankie. Plus a furiend gave her yarns but mum is knitting scarves from the stuff.

Plus mum got a nice shot of me and my tail last week when we actually had an evening nice enuf to have the window open.

Hope all my peeps in the southwest are staying safe if not dry with the hurry-cane. 

Have a good week everyone!



  1. I hope it doesn't get too hot for you. Apart from a few days in June we have had a very wet and cool summer.

  2. Momma are not shure dat Mister Twain ever met a cat like me.

  3. Mr T knew cats!

    We hope you get ta enjoy Mom's crow-shay!

  4. That's a fabulous photo of you and your tail Ducky!

    Sydney, Australia


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.