Much cooler weather has arrived, lows in the 30s but not a freeze just yet. Even so I have been working to cut down flower beds and get those ready for winter. Also to get things out of the way for the window repair people and for the tree guys. Get stuff out of their way when they come in a few weeks.
Plus soup making! The house was smelling delicious yesterday while I was making onion soup. Lovely caramelized onions with garlic and then it gets to mellow out in the crock pot for hours.
All of the blankets I have made in the past year which will be donated to the food pantry, all 19 of them. Clients get to choose a gift each year on their birthday. Blankets are a nice touch, other groups do something similar. Plus the hats and scarves.
So while not cooking or doing yard work, crochet, reading and more reading.
Wedding Day Murder, this is the seventh installment of the Lucy Stone mystery series. As I began to read it I realized I really wasn't that interested in the book, or the series anymore. I read the first few chapters and the last few to see how it ended. I wasn't going to read anymore of the series, then changed my mind and skipped about 20-25 books to get more into what has been published in the past few years.
The Lady in the Silver Cloud is the latest Stewart Hoag mystery. His sweet, elderly neighbor is killed after a Halloween party. What they find is a woman who had unlimited money, always paid in cash too. Never married so where did all the money come from and who did her in?
The Man Who Broke Capitalism and that person was Jack Welch, CEO of General Electric. His business model was mergers and acquisitions, divestment, outsourcing, off-shoring, layoffs and downsizing. The shareholder was king and profits must be gotten. Of a personal note I worked at GE after the company I was at was acquired by GE in late 1998. I left on my own in early 2008 because I couldn't see a way forward for myself in what I wanted to do. Plus I had seen how things worked. With my years from the acquired company and GE I did qualify for a pension! So get $$$ every month from them.
Life or Death, a thriller. Audie is one day away from being released on parole on a ten year sentence when he breaks out of prison. Why would he do that? Is he going after the seven million dollars everyone thinks he has stashed? Or is it something else. Lots of plot twists and a good read.
Happy Reading.
A good book is worth it's weight in gold!