Monday, December 18, 2023

Mini-ManCat Monday

 Cats do care. For example they know instinctively what time we have to be at work in the morning and they wake us up twenty minutes before the alarm goes off. - Michael Nelson 

I no longer need to wake mum up for day hunting. She gave that up years ago. Now she gets up when the sun comes up. So at this time of year that is around 7 AM or a bit later. 

Mum finished her latest blankie. I got in on the official picture too. You know I have to inspect all of them to give my approval. Plus put a few furs on them too. As usual mum has another one started to keep her hands bizzy during the feetsball game. You can see the new color below, I didn't watch much of the game with mum. She only yelled at the moving picture box once too.

Mum had to fix my sparkly tree. I got all acited and knocked it over and the light wasn't shining in the right spot. So she got out her tools and made it all nice again for me. The past couple of days have been dreary so mum has been lighting up the trees early in the day. 

Mum also finished making all of her peanut brittle. All she has to do now is finish giving it away. 

Auntie Kellie made a surpize visit last week. She had mum fill up jugs with water since her water wasn't working at her home. Auntie Kellie played with me while mum filled the jugs, she didn't stay long enuf to mooch treats!

Feetsball Report

Last week on Monday night they losted to the Giant players. Mum said they shoulda won but the defense got tired at the end. They didn't play as good as they had for the last few weeks either, just not as sharp.

Sunday's game with the Buc's they showed they need more work to play together well and for the full game. So they losted to the Buck-An-Ears. 

Have a good week, Santa Paws will be coming soon!


  1. You look very fine indeed photographed next to that green crow-shay Ducky.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Dawn isn't until after 8am where we are, so #1 gets up late!

    Probably good to stay away from that tree, Ducky, however tempting it may be!

    The Chans

  3. Hoping your Auntie's water gets turned back on!


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