Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

Last post of the year for Wordy Wednesday. Lots of books read this year, 177 at current count, but may get one more in before the year ends. 

I can never pick just one book as the best or what interested me the most as all of them either give me a good story to read or let me learn about other places and times. 

I hope that perhaps you have found a few books to add to your list of books to read. Just keep reading, so many books, so little time.

Bad Day Breaking main character is a female sheriff in a fictional Wisconsin location dealing with a cult. I think that is why I put the book on my TBR list since it was set in Wisconsin. However, the book is a bit more violent that I like to read. Didn't finish.

Something Read Something Dead part of the Lighthouse Mysteries. Josie wants a quiet, small wedding. Then her grandmother arrives with various cousins who consider themselves to be event planners. Things go from bad to death!

Jacqueline in Paris a work of historical fiction it relates the year Jacqueline Bouvier spent in Paris as a student. Written from the standpoint of first person with Jackie doing the telling of the story. Many of the people mentioned in the story are real people, but hard to know how much is fact and what is fiction.

The Body a decent book that covers the human body. Its form and function and written in easily understandable language. Chapters on the various topics, so you don't have to read it all. If you want to read about the heart only then only do that chapter etc. Published prior to the pandemic.

Happy Reading!


  1. Have enjoyed every book that Bill Bryson has written, but haven't gotten to this one yet. Have moved it up my TBR list, thanks.

  2. HAPPY NEW YEAR! We have our new calendars up. Not that we care about calendars all that much, but TBT is writing all our Birfdays and Gotcha Days on the cat one by the computer so he doesn't forget any!


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