Monday, December 11, 2023

Mini-ManCat Monday

The cat could very well be man's best friend but would never stoop to admitting it. - Doug Larson 

Well I am mum'f best furiend. Yes I am. 

Quiet time here. The weather has been good but mum hasn't been opening any windows for me. I think she could have as she was outside without a heavy coat or jacket on. 

I think mum's ticker is working OK, at least for now. Last weeks she finished doing the leaves in the back. She was working on this when her heart went wonky. So that is a good thing. Plus she went to the Y to do a very gentle workout on Sunday. That went well too. 

Mum's latest blankie. She has been doing crow-shay and reading lots too. Plus lots of appointments. 

Mum got some of the Christ-mouse stuff out too. You can see her little bright tree above. For me she got the little sparkly tree out. She says that is enuf for this year. 

Feetsball Report

I don't have one! The Pack doesn't play until Monday night. Mum wishes they would just play on Sunday and make it easy to amember when the games are. 

Have a good week everyone!


  1. That crowshay blankie looks very good draped over your furs Ducky. Perhaps your mum is making it just for you!

    Sydney, Australia

  2. dood…grate nooze bout mum! keep an eye on her N make
    sure her doez knot due sum thin crazed‼️‼️. de new blankitz
    awesum…her shuld open an etsy shop ๐Ÿ˜บ N yur tree iz grate two
    …just rite ๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŸ๐Ÿ’™

  3. Look at you, all cozy in your heaty beddy!

  4. The blankie is lovely. Ginger and green go well together. I am glad your mum is doing okay now.

  5. That blankie is very Christmassy Ducky ! It sets off your orangeness.

  6. Purrs to yer Mum. Great blankie. Love yer cat bed! Deep an cozy...

  7. That’s a cute tree, Ducky. Glad to hear your mum is doing better.


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